
Alli Robin

Alli is a Training and Support Specialist supporting inclusive early learning projects for WestEd. She currently holds a Master of Arts degree in Child Development: Applied Settings. Alli has worked with children for over 15 years. She enjoys sharing ideas and techniques for working with children at various levels of development. She is a huge advocate for parent involvement and …


Vanessa Curiel

Hello, my name is Vanessa Curiel! I support the CA CSEFEL Teaching Pyramid and Beginning Together projects. I have worked in the field of Early Childhood Education (ECE) for over 10 years in a variety of roles including infant/toddler/preschool teacher, home visitor, family advocate, education coordinator, and a coach for center-base and FCC educators. I am passionate about social-emotional learning …


Jessica Vigil

Hello, I’m Jessica! I work in the San Marcos office providing administrative support to the trainers and coaches. I joined the WestEd team in November 2021. I received my bachelor’s degree from Cal State University of San Marcos. I am fluent in Spanish and love that I can contribute to the translation of several training materials.


Cindy Martinez-Roberts

CINDY is a Training and Support Specialist providing trainings and coaching for Inclusive Early Learning: Working Together for Inclusion & Belonging Projects. Cindy has worked with 0-5 year old children and their loved ones, early learning providers, early childhood educators, school districts and other school systems in various capacities for over 15 years years. She is passionate about promoting and …


Jennifer Andrews

Jennifer has over 14 years of experience in public school elementary education as a teacher and administrator. She is passionate about social-emotional learning and inclusive practices for ALL children. Jennifer plans to bring her experience and passion to WestEd as a coach, trainer, and leader as she facilitates professional development in the CA Teaching Pyramid for teachers and staff in …


Nicole Loftus

Nicole Loftus is Project Manager for the CA Teaching Pyramid for Early Elementary. Loftus has experience teaching children, grades TK-8th (over 20 years), mentoring teachers, as well as coaching and training teachers and site staff in the implementation of the CA Teaching Pyramid for Early Elementary (and Preschool), across the counties of California. She is deeply passionate about the social …