California MAP
California MAP
Working Together

California Association for Infant Mental Health ( CalAIMH)


The purpose of the California Association for Infant Mental Health (CalAIMH), launched at the Zero to Three conference in 2017, is to bring together as a common voice organizations and individuals who promote caregiver-child relational approaches to both prevent and heal adversity in young children prenatally to five. The mission is to bridge and connect a transdisciplinary, relationally-informed community across California that collaborates and advocates on behalf of children and families prenatally to age five. The Infant Development Association is partnering with the CalAIMH as the fiscal sponsor. The California Center for Infant Family and Early Childhood Mental Health continues to provide endorsement for infant-family and early childhood professionals based on the California Compendium of Training Guidelines, Personnel Competencies, and Professional Endorsement Criteria for Infant-Family and Early Mental Health. Many of the members of the leadership team of The California Center for Infant Family and Early Childhood Mental Health helped to form the CalAIMH. For more information about how you can be involved visit the CalAIMH website.