First Lady, Michelle Obama’s national health initiative, “Let’s Move,” encourages physical activity for children and adults. According to the Physical Activity Guidelines from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services all Americans, including those with disabilities, need physical activity to support physical and emotional health. MAP’s Hot Topic for Summer 2011, “Healthy Mind, Healthy Body,” identifies resources and websites that provide strategies to support physical health and stress reduction with special attention to children and youth with disabilities.
12 Ways Teachers Can Build Their Own ResilienceThis article outlines the key points from Elena Aguilar’s new book, Onward: Cultivating Emotional Resilience in Educators 2018.
Added: Jul 2018
15 Fantastic Ways to Teach Mindfulness to KidsStudies have shown that children who practice mindfulness will experience better moods and a higher self-esteem. They may perform better academically and have improved social skills, like the ability to navigate and peacefully resolve conflicts. Mindfulness is also considered an effective tool to deal with anxiety and aggression. This article describes 15 ways to teach mindfulness and incorporates the key concepts into a poster.
Added: Apr 2017
3-year-old captures hearts, inspires with affirmations: ‘I am smart. I am blessed.’ (Video)"I am smart. I am blessed. I can do anything," 3-year-old Ayaan told his mother, Alissa Brielle, who captured the message on her phone. "I am smart. I am blessed. I can do anything. I am smart. I am blessed. I can do ANYTHING!"
(MORE: Sweet pencil affirmations are the simple, loving hack parents need)
In the video, posted on social media Oct. 1 a little after 8:30 a.m., Ayaan was walking with his mom to school. He wore a backpack and he carried a banana.
Brielle and Ayaan's father, Alpha, had been teaching him for some time that he could grow up to be anything he wants. The three-sentence affirmation was one of their first lessons more than a year ago.
Added: Dec 2019
6 Must-Watch Tedx Talks to Kick Off the New School YearEdutopia | August 6, 2021Since its creation in 2009, TEDx’s independently organized events continue to be a platform where people from all walks of life can learn and share wisdom on a variety of different topics with the world. Take a little time out of your busy schedule to check out the following six TEDx talks—all under 20 minutes in length—as you begin to wade into the waters of the new school year ahead. Watching even one of this set of Tedx talks comes under the category of “self-care”.
Take a look at the first video, “The real reason we are tired and what to do about it (Video),” Length: 9:35 mins
Added: Oct 2021
A playground for everyone, no matter your age or abilityPublished: October 6, 2019 | Length: 7:16 minutesWhen Olenka Villarreal couldn’t find a playground for her daughter, who was born with disabilities, she launched an effort to build one. The Magical Bridge Playground in Palo Alto, California, is touted as the most accessible playground in the country. Built for all abilities and all ages, it attracts around 25,000 visitors each month.
Added: Dec 2019
Accessible PlaygroundsAn accessible playground means it is as easy as possible for everyone to play, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. Now, more than ever, to meet ADA and due to community pressure, playgrounds are being built with an eye towards accessibility and usability. Let Kid's Play is thrilled to offer, the website and home for everything about accessible playgrounds. Here you will be able to:
- Search for playgrounds in our directory
- Educate yourself about accessible play
- Read amazing stories of how others built their playground
- Find resources on all aspects of designing and building a playground in your community, going beyond ADA
- See pictures of recommended playgrounds in our Featured Playground area
- Locate just the right vendors to help you design and build your playground
- Discovery Playground
Added: Jul 2014
Alliance for ChildhoodThe Alliance for Childhood promotes policies and practices that support children's healthy development, love of learning, and joy in living. Our public education campaigns bring to light both the promise and the vulnerability of childhood. We act for the sake of the children themselves and for a more just, democratic, and ecologically responsible future.
- Facing the Screen Dilemma: Young Children, Technology and Early Education (PDF)This guide is designed to help educators and parents make informed decisions about whether, why, how, and when to use screen technologies with young children. Just because products are marketed as "educational" doesn't mean they are. How do we best support children's growth, development, and learning in a world radically changed by technology?
Added: Mar 2015
Benefits of Yoga for Children with Special NeedsAn article from the Special Education Advisor.
Added: Jul 2014
Best for the KidsBest for the Kids was launched with a single mission - helping you to never settle for the second-best stuff for your kids. Not only that, our goal is to also make you a better parent for your kids, by publishing in-depth guides about raising children, parenting techniques, and behavioral development of kids.
Added: Oct 2017
California Preschool Curriculum Framework, Volume 2California Preschool Curriculum Framework, Volume 2 (PDF; 11MB) includes the domains of visual and performing arts, physical development, and health. This companion publication to the California Preschool Learning Foundations, Volume 2, gives guidance to teachers about strategies for arranging the environment, selecting materials, and planning adult-led and child-initiated learning experiences that optimize children's development, learning, and overall well-being. The document is also available on the CDE website.
Added: Jul 2014
Calm Down Yoga for Kids PosterSimple yoga series to use as a calm down activity with your child. Be sure to read through Giselle’s suggestions for introducing the series, especially if you have never tried yoga with your child before.
Added: Sep 2016
Center For Disease Control (CDC): Overweight and Obesity Strategies and SolutionsThere is no single or simple solution to the childhood obesity epidemic, but learn what states, communities, and parents can do to help make the healthy choice the easy choice for children, adolescents, and their families.
Added: Mar 2015
Center for Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (ECMHC)The Center for Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (CECMHC) was funded as an Innovation and Improvement Project by the Office of Head Start in October 2008. The 3-year grant brings together a group of university researchers to develop strategies to help Head Start programs build a strong mental health foundation for their children, families and staff. The site houses resources for Head Start mental health consultants, staff, families, administrators and T&TA Providers.
- ECMHC Resources
Early Identification & Family EngagementHealthy Mind, Healthy Body- Taking Care of Ourselves: Stress & RelaxationStress is natural and can be inevitable. But stress can take a toll on your health and effectiveness as an early childhood educator or parent. It impacts the quality of care that you can give. When you are too stressed it is difficult to offer the praise, nurturance, and structure your children need.
Social-Emotional & Behavior
Added: Mar 2015 | Updated: Feb 2019
Center for Healthy MindsFounded by world-renowned neuroscientist Richard J. Davidson, the Center for Investigating Healthy Minds (CIHM) at the Waisman Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, is a global leader in conducting novel research that has revolutionized how we understand the mind, our emotions, and how to nurture well-being for ourselves and others.
Added: Sep 2016 | Updated: Feb 2019
Child Mind Institute-The Art and Science of MindfulnessHow and why it helps us to feel better and be mentally healthier. The article provides an easy to understand introduction to mindfulness.
Added: Sep 2016
Childhood 101 and Kids Yoga StoriesChildhood 101 and Kids Yoga Stories, have teamed to create a simple yoga series to introduce you to yoga and use as a calm down activity with kids. The site offers the free downloadable poster and step by step suggestions for how to do the series.
Added: Sep 2016
Compassionate Classrooms: Mindfulness-Based Skills to Promote Resilience and Connection in the Autism ClassroomMonarch Center for Autism | Megan Davis, Registered Yoga InstructorAlthough this webinar is geared toward students with autism the practices would be helpful for children with other disabilities and very young children as well as adults. The experiential nature of this webinar made it helpful to the viewer to de-stress while watching and participating. “The goal of this edWebinar is to introduce mindfulness skills that educators, therapists and paraprofessionals can integrate into the classroom to build resiliency, distress tolerance and connection in students with autism. At the end of this recorded session, you will have gained insight into how simple mindfulness practices directly impact our body’s ability to downregulate in the face of stress, anxiety and trauma. You will be able to integrate concrete skills into your classroom to support students’, as well as your own, wellness.”
Added: Jan 2021
Cosmic Kids!We make yoga and meditation fun for kids. It’s all free on YouTube. Every day thousands of kids all around the world do it in their schools and front rooms. We’re a small team having fun trying to change the world.
Added: Mar 2015
Creating Equal Opportunities for Children and Youth to Participate in Physical Education and Extracurricular Athletics (PDF)This OSEP policy clarification document is an official initial response by the Department of Education to the June 2010 U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO-10-519) report noted below. The 20-page report contains a summary of suggestions to increase physical education and extracurricular athletic opportunities for students with disabilities including: accessibility, equipment, personnel preparation, teaching styles, management of behavior, program options, curriculum and assessment strategies (e.g., assessment instruments that compare the individual against herself or himself are able to measure both attainment and growth).
Added: Mar 2015
Cultivating Mindfulness for EducatorsPublished: New York Times, Sept 2017
In this article you’ll find an overview of mindfulness and practical strategies compiled by Alison Cohen, a certified mindfulness teacher and secondary school leadership and instructional coach, for bringing mindfulness into your life both inside and outside the classroom to support your own well-being and, in turn, the well-being of the young people in your care. She ends the post with resources for introducing students to mindfulness too. Below are some links found within the article that highlight some of the benefits of mindfulness.
- Who Me? Biased? (Video) Length: 2:27 minsThis video shows how implicit biases are thought processes that happen without us even knowing it — little mental shortcuts that hold judgments we might not agree with. Sometimes those shortcuts are based on race, ethnicity or gender. These biases can cause educators to engage with students, colleagues and other school community members in destructive ways that are misaligned with their conscious values. Mindfulness can help us act more thoughtfully in the moment and rely less on those automatic shortcuts.
- Mindfulness Mitigates Biases You May Not Know You Have
- Mindfulness Can Literally Change Your Brain
- CARE for Teachers (Video) Length: 3:07 minsStudy suggests that mindfulness-based interventions can “increase teacher social and emotional competence and the quality of classroom interactions.”
Added: Jul 2019 | Updated: Mar 2021
Early EduAllianceThese learning modules are highlights of higher education courses from the Early EduAlliance. EarlyEdU follows an innovative competency- and practice-based framework. If you are familiar with the Head Start Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center (ECLKC) 15-minute in-service suites, this approach will be familiar to you. These learning modules go a bit deeper than the in-service suites and combine theory and the latest early childhood education research with students’ field-based learning.
Four Modules from Early EduAlliance:- Mindfulness: A Resilience Practice
- Emotional Literacy
- Building Skills in Two Languages
- Using Interactive Media in Early Learning
Added: Apr 2017 | Updated: Aug 2019
EdutopiaEdutopia is dedicated to transforming kindergarten through 12th-grade (K-12) education so all students can thrive in their studies, careers, and adult lives. We are focused on practices and programs that help students acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, skills and beliefs to achieve their full potential.
- Additional Resources from Edutopia
Family EngagementHealthy Mind, Healthy Body - The New PE: Special Report: Students Learn That Active Bodies Lead to Active MindsAs research linking physical fitness to academic success continues to emerge teachers are coming up with creative ways to keep kids active during teaching time, instead of relying on recess and those ever-dwindling PE hours. Teachers say they find that using movement in the classroom doesn't just get the jitters out, but actually makes for better learning as well, because engaging students' bodies in turn activates their minds.
- Move Your Body, Grow Your BrainIncorporating exercise and movement throughout the school day makes students less fidgety and more focused on learning. Improving on-task behavior and reducing classroom management challenges are among the most obvious benefits of adding physical activities to your teaching toolkit. As research continues to explore how exercise facilitates the brain's readiness and ability to learn and retain information, we recommend several strategies to use with students and to boost teachers' body and brain health. The article includes the following resources:
- Brain BreaksPhysical activity ideas in the classroom from the Michigan Department of Education
- Just Breathe: When Teachers Practice Mindfulness In this Edutopia blog by Elena Auguilar she introduces Meena Srinivasan's new book,Teach, Breathe, Learn: Mindfulness In and Out of the Classroom. She describes it as a resource that "speaks to a yearning I hear across our country: a desire to teach and work in a way that is anchored in joy, emerging from compassion, and that is more humane and slower than the way we work now." This easy-to-read book is a roadmap for this desire. She introduces a variety of mindfulness practices and then offers a wealth of resources for how to integrate these into our lives and classrooms.
- Energy and Calm: Brain Breaks and Focused Attention Practices
- Simple Music Integration for Primary ClassroomsThe blog describes five easy ways for primary teachers to integrate music into their classrooms. Each activity is specifically designed for individuals of all backgrounds and abilities, and none require musical training or experience. So why use music in your primary classroom? Well-designed music activities can deepen and reinforce knowledge and skill development across a wide range of subjects. Music is engaging, fun, and can motivate even the most detached students.
- Empathy In the Classroom: Why Should I Care?
- The Long Game: 4 Essentials for a Successful Mindfulness Program
- Social Emotional Learning: A Schoolwide Approach Strategies like mindfulness, emotional regulation, and supportive small groups help Symonds meet the academic and social needs of their students.
- Empathy In the Classroom: Why Should I Care?
- The Long Game: 4 Essentials for a Successful Mindfulness Program
- Social Emotional Learning: A Schoolwide Approach Strategies like mindfulness, emotional regulation, and supportive small groups help Symonds meet the academic and social needs of their students.
- Resources on Mindfulness in Education
- Positive Strategies to Avoid Stress, Anxiety and Burnout
- 5 Simple Lessons for Social and Emotional Learning for Adults
- How Emotions Affect Learning, Behaviors and RelationshipsBring lessons from the movie "Inside Out" into your classroom
- Islands of Personality and Trains of Thought (Inside Out)
Added: Mar 2015 | Updated: Feb 2019
Ellen Satter Institute: Helping Adults and Children be Joyful and Confident with EatingEllyn Satter is an internationally recognized authority on eating and feeding. Practical, warm and empowering, Satter integrates her 40 years of experience in helping adults be more positive, organized and nurturing in caring for themselves and their children. She emphasizes competency rather than deficiency: providing rather than depriving: and trust rather than control. Her theoretically grounded and clinically sound methods allow the individual's own capacity for effective and rewarding food behavior to evolve.
Added: Mar 2015 | Updated: Dec 2018
First 5 California has launched a Kids StationThe online music service "Pandora." This fun new - and free - station targets parents and features music to encourage learning and physical activity Research shows that 90% of a child's brain develops during the first 5 years of life - a large part of that during the very first year. First 5's Pandora Station includes not only children's music but also examples of other ways to engage and stimulate children's brains -- clapping, dancing, singing, humming!
Added: Mar 2015
Frank Porter Graham Child Development InstituteThe
Professional Development Center at FPG (PDC@FPG) provides people and organizations with opportunities to expand capacity, knowledge, and skills in areas related to child development and learning. PDC offerings are based on evidence-based content and strategies for supporting adult learners. Professional development options include: Institutes and Intensive Workshops, Online Learning, Technical Assistance Services, and Study Visits.
- Additional Resources from Frank Porter Graham
Healthy Mind, Healthy Body- Resources Within ReasonCompiled by Camille Catlett and Erin E. Barton, this one page resource gives you easy access to the definition of inclusion, benefits of inclusion, research findings and access to essential examples of inclusion.
- Mindfulness Helps Adults Overcome Childhood AdversityWith significant implications for early childhood education, new research reveals that a mindful disposition is associated with alleviating lasting physical and emotional effects of childhood adversity. A team of scientists from Temple University, UNC's Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute (FPG), Child Trends, and the Rockefeller University conducted the groundbreaking study—the first to examine relationships between childhood adversity, mindfulness, and adult health.
- Teachers Play a Key Role in Program to Fight Childhood ObesityAn innovative physical activities guide developed at the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute (FPG) is helping North Carolina fight childhood obesity. New research shows that when teachers direct these physical activities, young children become more active and less sedentary. A sample of activities from the Be Active Kids Guide to Early Childhood Physical Activity is available for download.
Inclusive Practice- Baby Talk Added: February 2017Resources to Support the People Who Work with Infants and Toddlers is a free newsletter by Camille Catlett, distributed monthly. Each issue features resources that are high quality and readily available at no cost.
- Resources Within Reason Added: February 2017Compiled by Camille Catlett and Erin E. Barton, this one page resource gives you easy access to the definition of inclusion, benefits of inclusion, research findings and access to essential examples of inclusion.
- National Center on Early childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning (ECDTL) Webinar Series on High Quality Inclusion
- Webinar #1 Partnerships for Inclusion
- Webinar #2 Supporting Participation for All Children: Essential Features of High-quality Inclusion
- Webinar #3 Partnerships for Inclusion: Supports that Ensure High-Quality Inclusion
Training & Technical Assistance- More Than Baby Talk 10 Ways to Promote The Language and Communication Skills of Infants and Toddlers This brief guide describes ten practices that early childhood teachers can use to foster language and communication skills among infants and toddlers. The guidelines are based upon the latest research findings on optimal adult-child interactions for promoting strong language and communication skills among young children.
- AFIRM Autism Focused Intervention Resources and Training Modules-How to use Visual Supports
AFIRM Modules are designed to help you learn the step-by-step process of planning for, using, and monitoring an evidence-based-practices with learners with autism spectrum disorder from birth to 22 years of age. Supplemental materials and handouts are available for download. - Online Courses on Inclusion for CEUs
"Foundations of Inclusion" module is free all other course are priced at $30 per participant. - Dual Language Learners: Strategies for Successful Opportunities in ECE- 2016 Free Training Module
This free module provides an overview of the cognitive, social-emotional, and language development of dual language learners (DLLs) as well as examples of how early childhood professionals can support children. Through the content, videos, and reflection assignments, professionals will begin to identify ways to support DLLs in their own care settings.
Added: Mar 2015 | Updated: Feb 2019
Friendship CircleFriendship Circle of Michigan is a non-profit organization that provides programs and support to the families of individuals with special needs. With over 75,000 visitors a month, the Friendship Circle Special Needs Resource blog is one of the biggest special needs blogs in the world. Currently the blog has over 500 articles on special needs topics including: parenting, special education, products, therapy tips, videos and more.
Added: Mar 2015 | Updated: Feb 2019
Great Schools!: Building CharacterFueling your little curiosity machine. Here's how nurturing your child's curiosity helps them become a better learner.
Added: Mar 2018
Greater Good: Supporting Learning and Well-Being During the Coronavirus CrisisGreater Good Science Center (University of California, Berkeley)This area of the Greater Good website has a wealth of research-based “Practices for Educators and Parents” that support the learning and well-being of children, families and educators. A sample activity under “Practices for Staying Connected” and specifically “Helping Students Feel Connected to Each Other”
is presented below to give you an idea about how with appropriate supports a short activity can have a big impact on well-being. The activity, Wishes for the World: A Loving Kindness Activity is a very simple 15 minute activity for preschoolers and kindergartners. Students “fill” an imaginary ball with friendly wishes and “send it off” to the world. “How To Do It” and “The Research Behind It” describe the how and why of the activity. In addition, the links below are available to aid in making the activity effective and accessible to everyone. What’s more, the adaptations described can be applied to other activities and provide an opportunity for you to reflect on how you are making all of your activities inclusive.
Added: Jan 2021
Greater Good Science Center (University of California, Berkeley)The Greater Good Science Center studies the psychology, sociology, and neuroscience of well-being, and teaches skills that foster a thriving, resilient, and compassionate society.
Added: Mar 2015 | Updated: Feb 2021
Growth MindsetArticles and free infographics from Big Life Journal- Big Life Journal-Free printables
- Top 40 Growth Mindset Podcasts for Kids, Teens, and Parents Jan 2019
- How to Teach Growth Mindset (free guide)
- How to Raise Kids Who Never Give Up (Based on Science) Jan 2018Resilient children have grit. When they encounter a difficult problem, they try to solve it instead of giving up. When bad things happen, they quickly bounce back, ready to face the next challenge. When they make mistakes, they grow and learn from them. Resilient children are hopeful, optimistic, and strong. So while you can’t shield your kids from life’s difficulties, YOU can provide the tools they’ll need to navigate them successfully. Here are five tips to help you raise a resilient child.
- 7 Ways to Teach Kids Failure is a Great Thing November 1, 2018
Most kids are afraid to fail and, as parents and teachers, we naturally want our kids to succeed. But what if we recognized failure is good and a crucial step on the path to learning? Here are 7 ways to teach kids about the gift of failure, and how to do it skillfully.
Added: Jul 2019
Head Start ECLKC: Mindfulness – A Resilience PracticeThis training module and resources on the Head Start Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center (ECLKC) website provides an introduction to mindfulness and includes examples and instructions for mindful practices for adults and children.
Added: Sep 2018 | Updated: Aug 2019
Head Start ECLKC: Nature-Based Learning and DevelopmentChildren and the outdoors just go together - naturally! Outdoor play fosters connections with nature for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, families, staff, and communities. The benefits of active play in the natural world are endless. Current research indicates that children who regularly play outdoors are healthier, smarter, and happier. So what are you waiting for? See how the Head Start Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center (ECLKC) recommends expanding those walls and taking it outside!
Added: Mar 2015 | Updated: Aug 2019
Head Start ECLKC: Responsive FeedingMany different adults can impact the way a baby or young child eats. Staff who work with families and young children can help families learn to read their children’s feeding cues. They can also help families learn about age-appropriate foods and serving sizes. This can set up children for a lifetime of healthy eating. Explore this resource to learn how to make responsive feeding a part of families' mealtime routine.
Added: Jul 2019 | Updated: Aug 2019 Physical Activity Guidelines for AmericansThe Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans At-A-Glance: A Fact Sheet for Professionals is designed for busy professionals as a quick desk-side reference to the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
These Guidelines are needed because of the importance of physical activity to the health of Americans, whose current inactivity puts them at unnecessary risk. The latest information shows that inactivity among American children, adolescents, and adults remains relatively high, and little progress has been made in increasing levels of physical activity among Americans.
Added: Mar 2015
Healthy Habits of Mind (Video)Published: Oct 2013 | 41:14 minutesThis film shows how kindergarteners in Oxford Elementary School in Berkeley, San Francisco are introduced to mindfulness in school. They practice mindful listening, mindful eating, mindful movement and yoga. Mindfulness is a way of being and one of the benefits is that it teaches how to pay attention. As a kindergartener your attention is required in order to learn how to read and write - often in an environment with a lot of external stimuli. Starting early with practicing these healthy habits of mind is a very good idea. Like learning to play an instrument it is much easier early on in life than later on in life. Includes interviews with Neuroscientist Richard Davidson and Mindful Schools Program Director Megan Cowan. Mindful Schools offers courses for educators, psychologists, and parents to learn mindfulness and use it with children and adolescents. Learn more at
Added: Oct 2017
Inclusive Playgrounds in CaliforniaThe following is a list of Inclusive Playgrounds in California:
In the process of being built:
Added: Mar 2015 | Updated: Dec 2019
Just Breathe (Video)Published: Jan 2015 | 3:41 minutesThis film is entirely unscripted. Children talk about their own neuro-scientific understanding of difficult emotions, and how they cope through breathing and meditation. It's instructive for us all!
Added: Sep 2016
KEEN Kids Enjoy Exercise NowKEEN is a national, nonprofit volunteer-led organization that provides one-to-one recreational opportunities for children and young adults with disabilities developmental and physical disabilities at no cost to their families and caregivers. KEEN's mission is to foster the self-esteem, confidence, skills and talents of its athletes through non-competitive activities, allowing young people facing even the most significant challenges to meet their individual goals.
Added: Mar 2015
Let’s MoveLet's Move! is a comprehensive initiative, launched by the First Lady, dedicated to solving the problem of obesity within a generation, so that children born today will grow up healthier and able to pursue their dreams. Sure, this is an ambitious goal. But with your help, we can do it.
Combining comprehensive strategies with common sense, Let's Move! is about putting children on the path to a healthy future during their earliest months and years, giving parents helpful information and fostering environments that support healthy choices, providing healthier foods in our schools, ensuring that every family has access to healthy, affordable food and helping children become more physically active.
Added: Mar 2015
Let’s Move! Child CareFirst Lady Michelle Obama unveiled
Let's Move! Child Care in June 2011 as a new effort to work with child care providers to help our youngest children get off to a healthy start. The First Lady released a
fact sheet and checklist (PDF) that providers and parents can use as a tool to encourage healthy eating and physical activity and limit screen time for young children. The website, developed by Nemours, provides free, comprehensive resources and tools in Spanish and English.
Added: Mar 2015 | Updated: Dec 2018
Mia’s Dream Come True Playground (Video)YouTube | October 22, 2018 | Length: 3:59 minsThe Hayward Area Recreation and Park District (HARD) Board of Directors and the HARD Foundation has taken the Vasquez’ vision of a “Hayward-Centric” park and made it a reality. Mia’s Dream Come True Playground is a one-acre playground designed for “all” to gather, play and enjoy the outdoors. The new playground provides a variety of play features and experiences for children of all abilities in a fun atmosphere. It includes five elements of inclusion play for cognitive, physical, social, sensory and communication. Among the features are a Music Therapy Zone, Kindness Arches, Sensory Wall, Water Tower Look-out, swings and spinners, slides and rollers, and an Animal and Nature exhibit. The park also provides accessible pathways, picnic areas, seating and shade structures.
The park opened in summer 2021.
Visit the park at:
- Mia’s Dream Come True Playground
- 28377 Huntwood Ave., Hayward CA 94541
- Open daily from 8:30am-8pm
See pictures and videos of families enjoying the part at Mia’s Dream Come True Playground on Instagram
For more about the park project visit Mia’s Dream Come True Playground at RRM Design
Added: Oct 2021
Mindfulness and Young Children: Six Resources for Beginners and SkepticsEarly Learning Nation | November 19, 2020 “Sometimes a term gets repeated so often that the meaning becomes obscure. While it might seem like we’re all talking about the same thing, there’s a good chance we’re just glossing over our different ideas of what the word means.”
“Take mindfulness. What is it? Is it different from meditation? Is it appropriate for young children? Is it important for young children? I set out to discover more. Full disclosure: I am a skeptic—but I’m learning.”
“Let’s start with ZERO TO THREE’s definition: intentional and non-judgmental present-moment awareness.”
Download ZERO TO THREE’S Mindfulness Toolkit
“According to Maria Gehl, ZERO TO THREE’s project director of Mindfulness in Early Childhood, the benefits are clear for teachers and caregivers. “When adults are self-aware,” she says, “they are better at helping kids develop their social and emotional learning skills.”
See more of this article to discover 6 resources for educators who want to usher pre-K learners into the world of mindfulness. It includes an hour-long documentary film, a TED talk, different types of curriculum for preschool, and tips for families on how to use the information.
Added: Feb 2021
Mindfulness with Young Children (Video)Eastern Connecticut University | 2023 | Length: 9:35 minsYoga, meditation, and other mindfulness practices can have powerful effects on children's ability to self-regulate, interact with their peers, and attend to school.
In this video, mindfulness expert Dr. Martha Goldstein-Schultz, preschool teachers Emily Grogan and Amy Figueroa, and 3rd grade teacher Erin Trudeau describe how to build simple mindfulness practices into the school day.
Added: May 2024
Morgan’s Wonderland, The One and Only Ultra-Accessible™ Theme ParkIn 2006, Gordon Hartman observed his daughter, Morgan, wanting to play with other vacationing kids at a hotel swimming pool, but the kids were leery of Morgan and didn’t want to interact with her. Then and there, Gordon resolved to create opportunities and places where those with and without disabilities can come together for fun and a better understanding of one another. On April 10, 2010, Morgan’s Wonderland in San Antonio, Texas became the world’s first theme park designed with individuals with special needs in mind.
Morgan’s Wonderland offers 25 Ultra-Accessible™ attractions, sprawled across a 25-acre oasis of inclusion. From a wheelchair-accessible Ferris wheel to catch-and-release fishing, there is truly something for everyone to enjoy!
In 2017, the Ultra-Accessible™ theme park opened it’s expansion, Morgan’s Inspiration Island, which was named on the 2018 “World’s Greatest Places” list by TIME Magazine.
Guided by its mission of inclusion, the park strives to bring together guests of all ages and all abilities through the power of inclusive play.
Visit Morgan’s Wonderland website to learn about the Ultra-Accessible park and watch this CBS News Feature to hear the story of how and why Morgan’s Wonderland was built:
“He didn't want his daughter, who has cognitive and physical disabilities, to feel left out. So, he built a fully accessible theme park"
Added: Jun 2023
World’s First Fully Accessible Water Park to Open in 2017Morgan's WonderlandMorgan's Wonderland, an amusement park in San Antonio, Texas, made history in 2010 when it became the first-ever fully handicapped-accessible theme park. Now the company behind the park just announced it's building Morgan's Inspiration Island, a neighboring water park which will be fully accessible to children and adults of all abilities.
Added: Sep 2016 | Updated: Jun 2023
Move InternationalMOVE (Mobility Opportunities Via Education/Experience) helps children and adults with severe disabilities acquire more abilities (and independence) to sit, stand, walk and transition. This is achieved through instruction and adaptive equipment.
With these increased abilities, there is: 1) better health, 2) less burden for care providers to move or lift people, 3) more dignity, and 4) new opportunities for fuller participation and inclusion in family life, school and community. Life is no longer relegated to a bean bag, floor mat, wheelchair or bed.
MOVE is a research-based program shown to improve functional mobility skills and empower children and adults with severe physical disabilities to better direct their own lives.
Four school sites within the Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) Special Education Programs have been designated as Model Sites for the MOVE International Program and Curriculum for students with significant physical disabilities. SCOE is the first MOVE Model Site to be established in Northern California. As a MOVE Model Site, SCOE will implement the program throughout the county and serve as a demonstration and training site for this internationally acclaimed model
Added: Mar 2015
Nancy Stewart Children’s MusicThis easy to navigate website provides free original and traditional music as "Song of the Month" offerings archived by categories including Read & Sing Songs, Finger Plays & Counting, Instruments & Rhythm, and Languages & Literacy. The Languages & Literacy songs feature several songs with instructions for American Sign Language and a few in Spanish. Related activity pages and instructions for making simple instruments are also available.
Added: Mar 2015
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) is the nation’s largest organization of early childhood professionals and others dedicated to improving the quality of early childhood education programs for children birth through age eight. NAEYC’s primary goals are to improve professional practice and working conditions in early childhood education and to build public understanding and support for high-quality early childhood programs.
- Additional NAEYC Resources
Cultural Competency & Family EngagementHealthy Mind, Health BodyPolicy/Trends- Public Policy OverviewNAEYC promotes national, state and local public policies that support a system of well-financed, high quality early childhood education programs in a range of settings, including child care centers, family child care homes, and schools.
Social-Emotional & Behavior- Promoting Social–Emotional Development: Helping Infants Learn About Feelings (PDF) Starting from birth, infants begin learning how to make sense of their world through interactions with caregivers. Responsive caregiving-which involves caregiver reflecting and validating a child’s feelings and behaviors-help very young children makes sense of their world. Over time, children who have this type of nurturing, reflective care better regulates their emotions.
- 10 Tips for Raising a Compassionate ToddlerRecent research shows that infants and toddlers are far more empathetic than we once thought. While they have short fuses, and don’t cope well with sharing, they are capable of being compassionate. With this in mind, here are ten tips I use in the classroom to help infants and toddlers become pro-social that families can also try at home.
- NAEYC RadioNAEYC and BAM Radio Network partnered to bring NAEYC Radio. The program was developed to bring the best and latest insights on early childhood education directly to parents and educators.
- 10 tips for Raising a Compassionate Infant Toddler
- Helping Infants Learn About Feelings (PDF)
- Standing Together Against Suspension and Expulsion Joint Policy Statement (PDF)
A group of more than 30 national organizations recently published a joint statement, Standing Together Against Suspension and Expulsion in Early Childhood: A Joint Statement (April 2016), which supports the recommendations from the U.S. Departments of Education and Health and Human services in their December 2014 Joint Policy Statement on Expulsion and Suspension. The organizations have also compiled a number of related resources to help states, districts, communities, and classrooms prevent, limit, and ultimately eliminate suspension and expulsion in early childhood education. - Caring Relationships: The Heart of Early Brain Development By Ron Lally and Peter Mangione
Added: Aug 2014 | Updated: Feb 2021
National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD)National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD) is the premier resource for information on physical activity, health promotion, and disability, serving persons with physical, sensory and cognitive disability across the lifespan. NCHPAD features a variety of resources and services which can benefit all ages and populations and can be found online at
- Guidelines for Disability Inclusion in Physical Activity, Nutrition, & Obesity Programs and Policies Oct 2018As part of the National Center on Health, Physical Activity, and Disability (NCHPAD), the Center on Disability at the Public Health Institute (COD-PHI) has developed these Guidelines for Disability Inclusion in Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Obesity Program Initiatives to assist in the updating of community health programs and policies to be inclusive of the needs of people with disabilities.
- Inclusive Out-of-School Time Oct 2018The purpose of this article is to promote inclusion of youth with disabilities in after-school, expanded learning, and out-of-school time programs. For the purposes of this article, the term “include” and “inclusion” embodies the values, policies, and practices that support all youth, those both with and without disabilities, to participate in a broad range of out-of-school time activities. The article introduces tool kits to support kids with disability in out-of-school time from various sources.
Added: Mar 2015 | Updated: Feb 2019
National Public Radio (NPR): For Kids With Special Needs, More Places To PlayListen to or read this story on inspiration for an inclusive playground in Salinas, CA.
Added: Mar 2015
National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA)National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) is the leading non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of public parks, recreation and conservation.
Added: Apr 2015
PBS Parents: Why Yoga and Kids Go TogetherYoga has been around for thousands of years. Yoga is a practice that started in India, and is now very popular in the United States and around the world. It has gained a lot of attention lately — maybe because it is a fun and easy way for both adults and kids to feel healthy and happy.
Added: Mar 2015
Placemaking: How to build kinship and inclusive park spaces for children with disabilitiesChildren and Nature Network | Author: Mark Davison | January 2024 As the dad of a daughter who experiences disabilities and as a professional who has spent his career working in National, state and city parks conserving nature and designing parks, I’ve found my professional and personal life at odds. My career path has focused on park planning, park design, visitor experience, land management and environmental conservation. However, much of the great work I believed I was doing in my job seemed to only create additional barriers for my daughter to access nature, from added steps on trails to inaccessible environmental education programs.
Over the years, Lydia has inspired me to think of and conceptualize accessibility in new ways within my professional role as the park planning manager at the City of Boulder, Colorado. She has been a crucial influence in this journey to ensure that not only she, but all children can universally access the many benefits of being in nature.
This is a very thoughtful article written by a father a child with disabilities who loves nature and would like to increase access and activities for children with disabilities in nature. Read this article for ideas and strategies to expand your thinking about how to enjoy and play in nature using universal design and a range of senses that we don’t always think about.
Added: May 2024
Playgrounds for Everyone: A Community Edited Guide to Accessible PlaygroundsA community-edited guide to accessible playgrounds. Search for an accessible playground by address, city, state, zip code or GPS.
Added: Mar 2015
Policy Statement on Media and Young MindsA new policy statement from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP),
Media and Young Minds addresses the influence of media on the health and development of children from 0 to 5 years of age, a time of critical brain development, building secure relationships, and establishing health behaviors. It reviews the existing literature on variety of traditional and new technologies, their potential for educational benefit, and related health concerns for young children aged 0 to 5 years.
Added: Jan 2017
QuitDay.orgQuitDay is an independent, volunteer run organization which began as a collaboration between students from University of Washington and Portland State University. As part of an ongoing effort by United States universities to combat student and faculty smoking at institutions of higher education, they organized to provide smoking cessation resources available to anyone around the world. Their goal is to not only to end smoking in universities, but to provide education and support to individuals and families who are smoking who wish to quit smoking.
An estimated 41,000 people die each year from smoking-related diseases as the result of
Secondhand Smoke. The chemicals released from secondhand smoke pose a very real danger to those in the close proximity of a smoker.
Added: Sep 2016
Self-Care, Inclusive Schooling, Julie CaustonSeptember 2019
Educators know that September can be a challenging month. It’s the first of the school year, and with the excitement, it also brings anxiety, stress, and difficulties as teachers, students, and administrators adjust to the “new normal.” One of the best things educators can do during this time is to promote your own health, happiness, and well-being with a daily practice of self-love and self-care. Many of us feel that taking time for ourselves simply cannot happen, isn’t practical or logistically feasible. The health of the educational system is dependent on the health of each and every individual educator. Julie Causton of Inclusive Schooling discusses
Added: Dec 2019
Sesame Street Workshop Resources for Emotional Well-Being VideosSesame Street WorkshopStrategies for self-compassion are demonstrated in a discussion by Elmo and Rosita.
Watch the video with children and talk about how Rosita was a good friend to herself when she was frustrated about making a mistake. When children are in distress and it’s appropriate, spend a quiet moment with them and invite them to pause to show kindness to themselves. They can close their eyes, belly breathe, put their hands on their heart, and repeat phrases such as:
- Everyone feels ____ sometimes.
- Everyone makes mistakes. Mistakes are a part of learning.
- I’m a kid who keeps trying.
- I’ll figure it out.
- I’m a problem solver.
- I’m going to try my best to ____.
- I can be a good friend to myself!
Be sure to take a look at the links to related videos also available here.
Added: Jan 2025
Shane’s Inspiration Inclusive PlaygroundsShane's Inspiration is a non-profit organization whose mission is to "to create inclusive playgrounds and programs that unite children of all abilities." They provide a free forty-five minute webinar titled, The Power of Inclusive Play, that provides ideas on developing enriching outdoor opportunities for all children using your own outdoor space and items that are easily accessible. Shane's Inspiration Lunch Box is an awareness program that includes guides and materials for facilitating workshops as well as curriculum and resources to help in providing inclusive outdoor spaces in your program or playground.
Added: Mar 2015
SPARKSPARK is a research-based, public health organization of San Diego State University Research Foundation (disseminated by School Specialty, Inc.) dedicated to creating, implementing, and evaluating programs that promote lifelong wellness.
SPARK strives to improve the health of children, adolescents, and adults by disseminating evidence-based Physical Education, After School, Early Childhood, and Coordinated School Health programs to teachers and recreation leaders serving Pre-K through 12th grade students.
See the Free Resources for:
Added: Mar 2015
Special Globe.comFamilies of children with disabilities and special needs very seldom travel. The unknown challenges and fears are just too overwhelming. Meghan Harris founder of Special and parent of a child with a neurodevelopmental disorder is trying to rectify that: It is our intent here at SpecialGlobe to gather any and all information about special needs travel under one roof where you can take your time to review and make decisions about what's right for your family.
Added: Sep 2016
Sports Illustrated Kids 2012 SportsKids of the Year: Conner and Cayden Long (Video)Published: Jan 2013 | 4:42 minutesSee the inspiring story of brothers Conner and Cayden Long, who were the recipients of Sports Illustrated Kids 2012 SportsKids of the Year award. Although Cayden has cerebral palsy it hasn't stopped him from competing in triathlons with his older brother Conner.
Added: Mar 2015
Stay Play GrowCoronavirus (COVID-19) Support for Families and Caregivers
Stay Play Grow, is a free app designed by The Early Learning Lab to support parents and caregivers during the coronavirus outbreak and beyond. The app is a one-stop source of quality, trusted resources curated to help families with children 0-5 make the most of their time together.
The app offers resources in English and Spanish (under Recursos en Español) on children’s learning and development, including simple activities to help children learn through play at home; self-care strategies; how to get help meeting basic needs including food, shelter, diapers, and more; and health & safety resources, including how to talk to children about the ongoing health pandemic and racial inequality crisis.
Download Stay Play Grow today from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
Added: Jun 2020
Stop Telling Kids to “Be Careful” and What to SayFeb 2018
Download free pdf of the What to Say to Kids Instead of "Be Careful" poster
Added: Mar 2018
Stress Free KidsStress Free Kids© founder Lori Lite has created a line of books and CDs designed to help children, teens and adults decrease stress, anxiety & anger. As a parent, bedtime meant two stressed filled hours trying to get our young son to sleep. Our daughter developed stress related night terrors and Lori herself became sick from anxiety. In an effort to help our own family, Lori created stories that would entertain our children while introducing research-based relaxation and stress management techniques.
Our books and CDs will introduce you and your children to the proven techniques of deep breathing, progressive muscular relaxation, visualizations, and affirmations/positive statements. This unique storytelling format has been embraced by psychologists, doctors, child life care specialists, yoga instructors, teachers, counselors, parents, and most importantly… children.
Added: Mar 2015
Stress Reduction and YogaExcerpt from Head Start Bulletin by Beverly GouldYoga is an effective way to release stress because it stimulates both the mind and the body.
Until recently, when most people thought about yoga, they had images of being bent into a pretzel. However, the ancient practice of yoga, with a history of 5,000 years, is more than convoluted exercises. It improves our physical and emotional health. Movie stars, models, athletes, politicians, as well as everyday people, attest to its benefits. Furthermore, research affirms that yoga is a stress reducer.
Added: Mar 2015
Stretch + Breathe: 5 Ways to Reinvigorate StudentsThe benefits of being active before, during, and after learning are well-known. “Movement fuels learning!” “Activate the body, activate the brain!” But being active doesn’t always mean raising the heart rate. We can activate our bodies by stretching them, by balancing, by breathing. It’s important to know what type of movement to use when—to awaken the body, or to calm the mind. This post provides 5 videos that show you five ways to stretch and breathe your way to focus.
Added: Sep 2018
Teaching for a Compassionate and Kind ClassroomOftentimes, teaching students to be kind to others requires that they learn to be gracious with themselves. Here are some ways we can work to build these soft skills within our students, first within themselves, and then within the classroom.
Added: Dec 2019
TEAM California for Healthy KidsYour resource for making healthy choices the easy choices! Research confirms the clear connection between health, learning, and attendance. In support of this, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tom Torlakson, has initiated Team California for Healthy Kids (TCHK) to promote healthy eating and physical activity throughout the day, every day, in schools, before and after school programs, early childhood programs and communities.
Added: Mar 2015
Theater Games for Morning MeetingsEdutopia | November 2023These games can spark creativity, boost engagement, and teach important executive function skills such as turn-taking.
Added: May 2024
U.S. Government Accountability Office: Students With Disabilities More Information and Guidance Could Improve Opportunities in Physical Education and AthleticsResearch has established that physical activity and participation in athletics provides important health and social benefits for children. Certain federal laws help ensure that kindergarten-12th grade schools provide students with disabilities opportunities to participate in physical education (PE) and extracurricular athletics equal to those of their peers. However, national associations have questioned whether students with disabilities receive opportunities similar to their peers.
Regarding students with disabilities, Government Accountability Office (GAO) was asked to examine (1) what is known about the PE opportunities that schools provide, and how do schools provide these; (2) what is known about the extracurricular athletic opportunities that schools provide, and how do schools provide these; and (3) how the Department of Education assists states and schools in these areas. GAO analyzed federal survey data; reviewed relevant federal laws and regulations; and interviewed state, district, and school officials in selected states, as well as parents and disability association officials.
Added: Mar 2015
Understood: Mindfulness: What You Need to Know for Kids with Learning and Attention IssuesLearn about this technique for staying focused on the present, and not letting thoughts, emotions or self-control issues get in the way.
Added: Sep 2018
Wall Street Journal: Namaste. Now Nap TimeYoga classes for kids are taking off, as advocates say it's especially helpful for those with focusing problems
Added: Mar 2015
Wheel Chair Rider’s Guide to the California CoastCalifornia's spectacular coast offers many outdoor adventures for wheelchair riders, parents pushing strollers, and others who need accessibility features such as a wide, fairly level and firm path of travel. This guide can help you choose the destinations that suit your needs from among the coast's many wheelchair-accessible parks, trails, beaches, viewpoints, and other sites of interest.
Added: Sep 2016
Wheelmap: Open Source Map Makes the World more Wheel Chair FriendlyThe world is a tough place to navigate in a wheelchair. But finding ramps and elevators can be easier thanks to this handy map app that anyone can edit.
Added: Sep 2016
When Teachers Take a Breath, Students Can Bloom5 Mindfulness activities for students and teachers to try in the classroom
- Mindfulness-Awareness Practices for Teachers Video Length: 25:23 minsKeep calm and teach on. These mindfulness techniques are proven to help educators reduce stress and focus on teaching. It includes ideas for teachers to incorporate in their day that will help keep them calm as well as the children.
Added: Sep 2018
Why Kids Need to Move, Touch and Experience to LearnWhen students use their bodies in the learning process, it can have a big effect, even if it seems silly or unconnected to the learning goal at hand. This article explores how movement enhances learning.
Added: Sep 2016
Yoga in My SchoolDonna Freeman, the developer of this site explains the intent of
Yoga In My School:
- to empower parents and teachers to access the benefits of yoga by providing a website which collects everything related to yoga for kids and teens
- to make yoga more accessible and answer your yoga questions
- to provide information about yoga – what it is, what it can do for you, how to do it
- to show how to make yoga a part of your children's/student's lives, and
- to introduce yoga to kids and teens, allowing them to have fun, explore, create, and benefit in tremendous ways from this ancient and fulfilling practice.
Watch the videos and explore the resources on this site as well as other resources in the "Yoga Links I Love" section of this website.
Added: Mar 2015
Zero to Three: Getting Started with Mindfulness: A Tool Kit for Early Childhood OrganizationsIn this toolkit, learn more about the case for implementing mindfulness techniques into your daily work and organizational culture, try hands-on strategies for doing so, and learn more from organizations that have begun this journey.
Added: Dec 2019 | Updated: Jun 2020
Zero to Three: Mindfulness in Early ChildhoodIn 2018, ZERO TO THREE set out to explore the topic of mindfulness to learn what the research says about mindfulness in parenting and caregiving through a comprehensive literature review. Through focus groups and a member survey, we also asked early childhood professionals about how they are using mindfulness in their work, and their hopes for integrating mindfulness further. The resources offered here were developed to share what we have learned from the research and the field, and represent the beginning of our effort at ZERO TO THREE to increase understanding of how mindfulness can support early childhood development.
Added: Jul 2018 | Updated: Jul 2019