The MAP Video Collection was created in response to the need for easy access to videos that promote inclusion and support the needs of children with disabilities and/or special needs and their families. Most of the videos were gathered from other areas of the MAP website, but some are unique to this page.
If you have videos that you would like to recommend for inclusion here, please let us know at
#10-Inclusion Makes a Difference (Video)
Early Choices | June 6, 2018 | Length: 6:08 minsMom and dad talk about how inclusion of their son with Down’s Syndrome had made a difference for their family and other kids and families. This is an emotional testimony about the benefits of inclusion for everyone in the community.
Added: Feb 2021
10 Examples of Inclusion for Those Who Need to See it To Believe ItPublished: Tim Villegas, 2014What Does Inclusion Look Like? here are 10 videos that I think are good examples on how particular schools put inclusion into practice.
Added: Jul 2019
3 Big Misconceptions About Inclusion (Video)This post from The Inclusive Class discusses how Universal Design for Learning and social and emotional supports provide a better learning environment for all children and how inclusion is a philosophy and social justice issue, not a “program”. The post includes videos to demonstrate the concepts.
Added: Sep 2018
A playground for everyone, no matter your age or ability
Published: October 6, 2019 | Length: 7:16 minutesWhen Olenka Villarreal couldn’t find a playground for her daughter, who was born with disabilities, she launched an effort to build one. The Magical Bridge Playground in Palo Alto, California, is touted as the most accessible playground in the country. Built for all abilities and all ages, it attracts around 25,000 visitors each month.
Added: Dec 2019
Alex on Inclusion (Video)
Published: Mar 2016 | 1:41 minutesAlex talks about his perspective on inclusion.
Added: Nov 2016
Assume I That I Can! (Video)
World Down Syndrome Day | 2024 | Length: 1:30 minsThis short video produced in honor of World Down Syndrome Day brilliantly illustrates myths and stereotypes that can limit the potential of people with Down Syndrome and people with disabilities in general!
To learn more about this topic see the article by CBS News that describes the background behind the video: Viral Ad Challenges Perceptions of Down Syndrome (Video)
Added: May 2024
Axel (Video)
Published: Dan Habib, 2013 | Length: 16:39 mins This short film focuses on Axel Cortes and the staff at Idelhurst Elementary School in Somersworth, NH. Axel is a fifth grader with autism who is non-verbal and exhibited significant behavioral challenges when he arrived at school. Axel came to Idelhurst during his 5th grade year from another school where he was exclusively in self-contained settings and was being taught preschool/kindergarten level. Through effective implementation of supports – including AAC, UDL, RtI, social stories, visual schedules and positive behavioral supports – Axel was able to learn 5th grade general education curriculum in a general education classroom within a few months. His challenging behaviors also decreased, and he thrived through interaction and engagement with ‘typical’ peers. Once Axel had an effective means of communication, the staff found that Axel was was bilingual and bi-literate (his family speaks Spanish at home).
This film illustrates the potential for students with significant cognitive disabilities to achieve high academic outcomes. The film has received support from the National Center and State Collaborative (NCSC).
Added: Aug 2019
Best Practices in Inclusion: Dea’s Story (Video)July 2015 | Length: 11:00 mins“Seventh grade student Dea discusses her life as a vision-impaired student in a general education classroom.” The video demonstrates how special education students can thrive in general education settings. Toward the end of the video Dea tells her class how she became blind. A classmate gives insightful comments on the impact of her story. (Successful inclusion; benefits of inclusion)
Added: Jan 2021
Born This Way
Winner of the 2016 Emmy Award for Outstanding Unstructured Reality Program, Born This Way follows a group of seven young adults born with Down syndrome as they pursue their passions and lifelong dreams, explore friendships, romantic relationships and work, all while defying society’s expectations.
Added: Sep 2016
Brandon’s Story: A Mother’s Voice (Video)
Published: May 2015 | 8:15 minutesThis 2015 Telly Award winning video features Brandon's mother as she talks about the importance and impact of early intervention on her son's life and on her family. You'll also hear from Brandon, who is a teenager and talented musician and enjoys inclusive settings at school.
Added: Sep 2016
Cara’s Kit Self-Guided Module: Creating Adaptations for Routines and Activities
Connect Modules & DECAccess this learning module to explore each topic of CARA’s Kit, from the introduction to the process to example adaptations.
NOTE: The module at this link is FREE. If you would like a PD certificate of completion for the module ($10 per certificate), please start here instead.
About CARA’s Kit: CARA’s Kit, created by Philippa H. Campbell & Suzanne A. Milbourne and published in 2007, is designed for teachers and consultants who are involved in providing early care and education for children under age 6. CARA’s kit contains information on how to make adaptations for individuals or groups of children who are experiencing challenges during everyday routines and activities.
CARA’s Kit Materials to accompany the online module are available here: Order the CARA’s Kit publication here.
CARA’s Kit online was developed by Pennsylvania Early Intervention Technical Assistance with funding from the Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning. CARA’s Kit online is hosted by the Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children.
Added: Feb 2021
Circle of Friends (CoF): Videos
Circle of Friends (CoF) provides the opportunity for students with disabilities to build genuine friendships with non-disabled peers.
Added: Sep 2016
Curriculum Modifications for Infants and Toddlers, Training Module and Resources
Head Start InclusionThese resources were developed to provide information about curriculum modifications and adaptations for infants and toddlers. Examples include modifications that can be used in a variety of home and program settings. The resources include a set of presentation slides, presenter notes, and additional resources on choosing modifications, types of modifications, and child vignettes for use in professional development.
Added: Feb 2021
Dad’s Don’t Count Chromosomes (Video)
Jun 2019 | Length: 4:09 mins"We knew we’d never be able to match the mums’ ability to tug on the heart strings of the world so we went for some good-humoured competition instead! Dads who have children with additional needs are extremely under-represented and under-supported in this world and play a huge part in advocating for our children. We wanted to take the opportunity to shout from the rooftops how much our children are loved and welcome in our lives and how, just like the mums, we wouldn’t change a thing.”
Added: Aug 2019
Dan Habib (Videos)
Dan Habib (pronounced “Habeeb”) is the creator of the award-winning documentary films Including Samuel, Who Cares About Kelsey?, Mr. Connolly Has ALS, and many other short films on disability-related topics. Habib is a filmmaker at the University of New Hampshire’s Institute on Disability.
- Axel (Video) Published: 2013 | Length: 16:39 mins
This short film focuses on Axel Cortes and the staff at Idelhurst Elementary School in Somersworth, NH. Axel is a fifth grader with autism who is non-verbal and exhibited significant behavioral challenges when he arrived at school. - Intelligent Lives 5:12 minutesA documentary film about three pioneering young adults with intellectual disabilities who challenge perceptions of intelligence by Dan Habib.
- Disabling Segregation (Video) Published: Apr 22, 2014 | 18 minutesHabib (creator of the documentary films Including Samuel and Who Cares About Kelsey?) used his 18-minute TEDx talk to make a powerful case for ending the systemic segregation of students with disabilities.
- Thasya Published: Jun 26, 2012 | 13:20 minutesThasya Lumingkewas, 8, has autism and thrives at Maple Wood Elementary School in Somersworth, NH. The school has implemented Response to Intervention (RtI), Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and Universal Design for Learning (UDL). This film highlights the power of presuming competence, differentiated instruction and augmentative and alternative communication.
Added: Sep 2016 | Updated: Aug 2019
Differentiating Instruction: It’s not as hard as you think (Video)
Education Week | Length: 4:23 minsIn this video, teacher and author Larry Ferlazzo explains that differentiation is not about long nights of planning and grading, but about being flexible and making decisions in the moment based on what your students need.
Added: Jan 2021
Division for Early Childhood (DEC) Recommended Practices Videos
The series includes an Overview and a video on how to "Share the Knowledge with Families".
Added: Sep 2016
DRaccess Video Library
Find these Inclusion Videos under the "General Interest" tab:
Added: Sep 2016
Early Choices YouTube ChannelPlaylist for early childhood programs with interviews with teachers, therapists, and parents and clips of inclusion in action. Below is a sample video of an interview with parents of children who had been included.
Added: Feb 2021
Early Inclusion Toolkit Video Playlist
February 2020Created by Parents Helping Parents and the Inclusion Collaborative of Santa Clara County, CA through a grant.
The sample video, Early Learning Tool Kit: Visual Tools and Binder Materials, Parents Helping Parents (Video), provides information about the tools that may help the children in your preschool class who are visual learners, as well as the materials that are in the binder. These tools are all included in the Early Learning Tool Kit. If you have any questions about these tools, or if you are interested in finding out about additional tools and strategies that can help you create an inclusive preschool classroom, contact us at Parents Helping Parents-, or (408)727-5775.
Added: Jan 2021
ECTA: Preschool During the Pandemic: Early Childhood Education in Extraordinary Times – 12 Episode Video Series by Larry Edleman
Early Childhood Technical Assistance (ECTA) | January 20, 2021This 12 episode series shares the experiences of practitioners and families from across the country, illustrating how the fields of early education and early childhood special education are successfully supporting preschoolers and their families during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Also see MAP Newsletter for 2020 related to supporting early care and learning during COVID-19.
Added: Feb 2021
ED Talks: What Success Looks Like (Video)
Mar 2019 | Length: 20:59 minsExcellent story worth the time to watch. Explains why every kid no matter how complex the disability belongs with his friends in his home school in regular ed classrooms. Success story or inclusion! CAK
How can we create success for children and youth with the most complex needs? Drawing on a lifetime of stories and experiences, Jennifer talks about the magic that happens by simply establishing a new paradigm of strength-based thinking. This new way of thinking can support children who historically have been placed in self-contained, segregated settings to be successfully included in general education classrooms.
What Success Looks Like by Jennifer Sommerness was part of the March 2019 #EDTalksMN event on Creating Inclusive Classrooms.
Added: Aug 2019
Edutopia: Inclusion Videos
Explore videos that showcase evidence-based learning practices in K-12 schools, and see our core strategies and key topics in action.
- Five Minute Film Festival: Reaching Learners of All Abilities
Edutopia has collected some videos and resources to help explore and explain some of the difficulties faced by many kids, and some strategies teachers and schools are using to engage them. Included are 8 well produced videos that address: Special Education, Inclusion and Learning Differences.
Added: Oct 2016
Elementary school students are learning sign language to support their classmate (Video)
Jun 2019 | Length: 2:39 minsBelieve it or not, at Dayton Consolidated Elementary, the public school, talking like Morey has become all the rage. Kids there have started to learn sign language.
Added: Aug 2019
Everyone’s Welcome (Video)Published: Jun 17, 2017 | 2 minutesWhen it comes to differences children see things differently. In this video diverse sets children explain the difference between themselves and their friends.
Added: Oct 2017
Everything We Learn About Life We Learn on the Playground (Video)June 2018 | Length: 2:25 mins
Watch a girl with down syndrome playing with friends at preschool.
Added: Nov 2018
Got Inclusion? Florida Center for Inclusive Communities Video PlaylistPublished: June 2015 | Length: 2-3 minutes eachAdvisory Committee members including adults with disabilities, family members, advocates and community members answer questions about the value of inclusion and how to make it work. (8 videos)
Added: Jul 2019
Great Expectations Inclusive Preschool (Video)
Marin County | January 17, 2019 | Length: 3:28 mins“A collaboration with Lifehouse Agency, the Marin County Office of Education and Dominican University to bring the first inclusive Preschool to Marin County. Let's learn and play together to foster compassion, diversity, and leadership in the young child!” Video describes the benefits of inclusion for all children and shows ‘push in’ occupational therapy.
Added: Mar 2022
Head Start Center for Inclusion Videos
On this page you can watch short video clips of different educational terms and definitions in action.
Added: Sep 2016
Head Start ECLKC: Curriculum Modifications An Introduction: Video and resources
Length: 4:30 minsThis in-service suite gives an overview of eight types of curriculum modifications. Teachers can use these simple changes to classroom activities to increase a child’s engagement and learning. A training PowerPoint and materials are included.
Added: Jan 2021
How We Do School (Video Series)
Inclusion MattersAn initiative of the Lien Foundation, How We Do School is a nine episode series of short films that explores how Finnish and British Columbia schools address the increasingly diverse learning needs of its students and what we can learn from them.
The Lien Foundation took two Singapore educators from the early childhood education and special education sectors – Dr Jacqueline Chung, Senior Principal and Academic Director at St James’ Church Kindergarten and Ms Tan Sze Wee, Executive Director at Rainbow Centre – to Finland and British Columbia to learn their journeys towards greater inclusivity and equity in its education system. By showing what is possible, we hope this can in turn inspire Singapore and inform ways that we can go about making inclusion more of a reality.
Added: Mar 2022
Including Isaac (Video)Published: Kala Project, December 11, 2014 | 12:40 minsIncluding Isaac is the story of how the determination of the Postma family and hard work of the CLC Network led Isaac to become a valued member of the Byron Center Christian School community despite his severe disabilities.
Added: Jun 2018
Inclusion Makes the World More Vibrant (Universal Design) (Video)December 2017 | Length: 3:06 minsA little boy helps his blind mother experience an art gallery in the most surprising way. To celebrate International Day of People with Disability, Uniting Ability Links and Bus Stop Films created this short film to promote social inclusion. Demonstrates how a support for someone who is blind can benefit everyone (Universal Design for Learning).
Added: Jan 2021
Inclusion Matters: Social Inclusion Training Trailer (Video)
Shane's Inspiration | Oct 2019 | Length: 2:14 mins“Get a glimpse of our ‘Together, We Are Able Social Inclusion Ability Awareness Program’ in this 2-minute video.” This buddy program teaches kids without disabilities how to interact with kids with disabilities. Kids in the program tell what they learned from being a buddy with a kid with a disability. (Benefits of inclusion, social inclusion)
Added: Jan 2021
Inclusive Schooling: Because of Oliver (Video)
Inclusive Schooling | Length: 7:04 minsWhat Does Inclusive Education Look Like? Dr. Julie Causton of Inclusive Schooling shows you with the new book and video, “Because of Oliver.”
“Ever have a hard time explaining what inclusive education looks like at the classroom level? This book does a beautiful job of showing the reader the beauty of inclusive education.”
“Follow Oliver as he experiences school before and after inclusion- and how his story impacts everyone around him.”
You can hear Oliver's story and watch the video here, and get your own copy of the book on Amazon here.
Added: Jan 2021
Inclusive Schooling: Watch “Circle Makers” too! (Video)
Inclusive Schooling | Length: 5:20 minsOur outdated school systems of drawing sharp lines, labeling and segregating students has never made sense. The first in a series, this book takes a playful look at what is possible when we think differently about human difference. Intended to inspire everyone to widen our school communities to finally and actually include all.
Added: Jan 2021
Jenna Kanell – A Bee Showed Me That Limits are Lies (Video)
Published: Oct 19, 2016 | 13:30 minutesJenna Kanell wrote and directed the short film "Bumblebees," a project currently on the film festival circuit and among academic curricula of varying levels. It stars her younger brother Vance, who was born with eight sensory disorders and overcame the negative expectations of medical professionals.
Her TEDxTryon talk explores the concept of discarding the goal of "becoming" in favor of "unbecoming;" applicable to everything from assigned labels and ideals to societal norms. She hopes for you to come away inspired by a new way to embark on your own self-exploration.
Added: Feb 2017 | Updated: Jul 2019
Meaningful Inclusion in Early Childhood (Video)
Wisconsin DPI | Published: March 1, 2018 | Length: 5:52 minutesHow can a school meaningfully include students with disabilities in an early childhood program? In moving interviews, parents in this video reveal the benefits for their children. Educators describe what they do and how they got there. These stories come from the Sun Prairie (Wisconsin) Area School District, where inclusion is the norm for all early childhood programs supported by public dollars, whether offered in community or district settings. More on early childhood special education.
This video has the voices of families who have been active participants in their child’s program as well as IEP. It’s a favorite because of the voices heard from various representatives from the program. It’s not specifically about family engagement, but rather the outcomes from family engagement in an inclusive early childhood program.
Added: Jun 2018 | Updated: Nov 2023
Mia’s Story: An Inclusion Experience (Video)
Jun 2019 | Length: 8:20 minsFrom the Inclusion Collaborative-The Child Development Center at San Jose State: Within 2 months Mia was included in this preschool classroom, she had learned her classroom expectations, built academic & social skills, and made an impact on everyone in her classroom. Her teacher, parent and preschool coordinator shared their insights about strategies used to make this happen.
Added: Aug 2019
My Baby is Deaf, Now What (Videos)Published: Dec 31, 2017 | 2:30 minutesA beautiful message of love for parents with deaf babies from Nyle DiMarco.
Added: Feb 2018 | Updated: Feb 2019
My Story of Inclusion, Mia Pisani, who has Down Syndrome (Video)March 2017 | Length: 7:55 mins
For my 6th grade Exhibition project, I raised awareness about inclusion for people with disabilities everywhere. This presentation describes my action and tells my story. Quest Elementary, Hilton, NY.
Added: Jul 2019
Parenting Advice from Zach Anner (Video)As many parents know, raising a child with a disability can be challenging.
Truth Bomb Mom Kristina Kuzmic sat down with good friend Zach Anner to get his top tips on preparing a child with a disability for the world.
For more from Zach check out The Official Fan Page of Zach Anner.
Added: Mar 2018
PEAT’s Suite Online: Self-Guided Module: Physical Environment and Assistive Tools
Connect Modules & DECAccess this learning module for PEAT’s Suite to explore and practice using environmental features, as well as universal, modified and specialized assistive tools.
NOTE: The module at this link is FREE. If you would like a PD certificate of completion for the module ($10 per certificate), please start here instead.
About PEAT’s Suite: PEAT’s Suite, created by Suzanne A. Milbourne and originally published in 2018, is a comprehensive package of materials that helps service providers (educators, home visitors, therapists, etc.), families, and other stakeholders support the participation of young children with differing abilities in typical routines and activities. The acronym PEAT stands for Physical Environment and Assistive Tools.
Added: Feb 2021
Play Tips for Peer helpers (Video)Published: March 2014 | Length: 2:29 mins
Peer helpers support a child with autism playing a game.
Added: Nov 2018
Prader-Willi Syndrome Teacher Tips (Video)
Published: August 2013 | Length: 27:34 minsA short video that provides very helpful information and practical strategies for teachers who have students with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) in their classroom. Presented by Elizabeth E. Roof, M.A. - Senior Research Specialist at the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center.
Added: Aug 2019
Preschool Inclusion: Samantha (Video)
Published: Jun 17, 2010 | 10:15 minutesThis video highlights the experiences of Samantha and her family and the people who worked with them. Samantha was enrolled in Early Head Start at 18 months of age, transitioned to Head Start at age three, and was in the process of transitioning to kindergarten at the time this video was developed. Samantha's story provides an opportunity to see how families can work collaboratively with Head Start, childcare, the public schools, and others agencies and service providers to realize their dreams for their children who have disabilities.
Added: Sep 2016
Results Matter Video Library
These videos, produced by the Colorado Department of Education and Larry Edleman, help providers better understand ways to use observation, documentation, and assessment to inform practice. You can watch the clips online or download QuickTime versions of the videos for use in educational and professional development activities.
Added: Apr 2015
Santa Clara County Office of Education Videos: Inclusion Collaborative at Work
The Inclusion Collaborative (IC) leads the effort to provide ALL children in Santa Clara County with quality learning environments. Its focus is the successful inclusion of children with special needs in child care, preschool programs, early learning environments, and the community through education, advocacy and awareness.
Added: Sep 2016 | Updated: Jul 2019
SEEDS Legacy Resources: Video Gallery Archive
Browse through the media library of archived video clips from the SEEDS Project website. View full videos or chaptered sections.
Added: Sep 2016
Seeds of Partnership
Seeds of Partnership provides assistance on behalf of the California Department of Education (CDE) to support the direction, initiatives and focused goals related to requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), federal reporting/monitoring activities, State Performance Plan (SPP) and Results Driven Accountability initiatives. A mainstay of the project focus is on parent and family engagement in education.
- High Quality Early Learning Environment (HQELE)This comprehensive panoramic virtual tour emphasizes principles of a quality classroom design and incorporates key strategies on how to replicate highlighted elements. Early Childhood Special Education teachers, General Education teachers, and administrators are always looking to enhance their classroom environments to support all students. This tool provides the opportunity to gain valuable ideas to build upon existing philosophical and program practices, wherever a program or classroom may be on the Least Restrictive Environment continuum.
Added: Sep 2016 | Updated: Feb 2019
Shane’s Inspiration Inclusive Playgrounds
Shane's Inspiration is a non-profit organization whose mission is to "to create inclusive playgrounds and programs that unite children of all abilities." They provide a free forty-five minute webinar titled, The Power of Inclusive Play, that provides ideas on developing enriching outdoor opportunities for all children using your own outdoor space and items that are easily accessible. Shane's Inspiration Lunch Box is an awareness program that includes guides and materials for facilitating workshops as well as curriculum and resources to help in providing inclusive outdoor spaces in your program or playground.
Added: Mar 2015
Social Training with Peers Helps Kids with Autism (Video)
Published: Mar 2014 | 2:29 minutesIn a follow-up to their playgroup study, the Kansas University researchers created "Connecting Kids," a series of child-friendly videos that help typically developing children understand and support friends and classmates who have autism.
Added: Sep 2016
Special Books by Special KidsWe built this video library to connect communities across the world, build camaraderie, and to celebrate neurodiversity. It is our hope that these videos will inspire change and lead a global acceptance movement.
Added: Feb 2017
Special Olympics 50 Game Changers (Videos)
ESPN and Special Olympics have teamed up on a year-long storytelling initiative telling the stories of game changers and game changing moments toward inclusion. Check back each week for a new story of inclusion. Below is a sample of the game changing inclusion stories:
- Unified Sports (Video) Length: 5:26 minsUnified Sports was inspired by a simple principle: training together and playing together is a quick path to friendship and understanding for athletes with and without intellectual disabilities.
“It’s not he or she. It’s us and we.” Jake Van Mierlo, Unified Partner. On this week's @SpecialOlympics 50 Game Changers, see how Unified Sports is changing the experience for athletes all over the world! #InclusionRevolution - Bree Bogucki (Video) Length: 5:16 minsFor Bree Bogucki, growing up was anything but easy. Her disabilities prevented her from living the life she knew she could have. She grew up isolated, locking herself in her room. At nine-years-old, Bree was introduced to sports and her life was changed forever.
Bree quickly began to excel, landing her not only an athletic scholarship but an academic one as well at Tennessee Wesleyan. It was there where Bree began to thrive as an athlete, student, but also an advocate for those with disabilities. - Rosas's Law (Video) Length: 5:19 mins “Some say we shouldn’t worry about the words, just the way we treat people. But if you think about it, what you call people is how you treat people. If we change the words, maybe it’ll be the start of a new attitude towards people with intellectual disabilities. And they deserve it.”
In 2010, President Barack Obama signed “Rosa’s Law” which changed “mental retardation” to “intellectual disability” in US federal law. Inspired by nine year-old Rosa Marcellino, the law was a key component in the groundswell of advocacy efforts promoting inclusive, people first language for people with intellectual disabilities.
One such effort to end the hurtful use of the “R-word” is the “Spread the Word to End the Word” campaign, launched in 2009, inspiring over 1,000,000 people to sign the pledge to end the R-word. Ten years later, Spread the Word to End the Word is becoming Spread the Word: Inclusion, focusing beyond one word and creating a new reality of inclusion for all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Added: Jul 2019
SpecialQuest Multimedia Training Library
The SpecialQuest Multimedia Training Library is an easy–to–use, comprehensive training curriculum for individuals working with young children who have disabilities, birth–five, and their families. The Library is designed for use in a variety of professional development settings.
Added: Mar 2015 | Updated: Feb 2019
Spencer Hawk on Kindness for Inclusion Matters (Video)
Shane's Inspiration | Dec 2020 | Length: 4:02 minsAs part of Lady Gaga's Born This Way Foundation, BTWF Talks/ Kindness + Family, Spencer Hawk talks about what KINDNESS means. He explains the value of inclusion.
Added: Jan 2021 | Updated: Feb 2021
Spread the Word: InclusionCo-founders of Spread the Word, Soeren Palumbo and Tim Shriver, Jr. talk about the growth of Spread the Word to a global effort for inclusion.
Added: Jul 2019
Think Inclusive Blog: Videos
30 years of research has shown that everyone benefits when people of all kinds of abilities live, learn, and play together. Read our latest posts that point to how we can create a more inclusive world.
Added: Sep 2016
Three Trauma-Informed Practices (Video)
Edutopia | Nadine Burke Harris |October 2020 | Length: 3:00 minsPediatrician, California surgeon general, and author Dr. Nadine Burke Harris on the science behind relationships, school discipline, and mindfulness.
Added: Jan 2021
Torrie Dunlap – Isn’t It a Pity? The Real Problem with Special Needs (Video)
Published: Jan 2015 | 17 minutesKids with special needs are marginalized in our communities, and we are doing it with the best of intentions. Inclusion expert Torrie Dunlap, CEO,
Kids Included Together, shares why we need to change our thinking when it comes to special needs.
Added: Sep 2016 | Updated: Jul 2019
We All Belong (Video)Published: Apr 2, 2014 | 14:30 minutes"We All Belong" is a documentary film exploring the issues of belonging and diversity in our classrooms. It profiles real parents and the dreams and fears they share. This film is a frank discussion of civil, human, and educational rights and offers a window into best practices and the struggle families face to achieve inclusion for their children. The film also examines the Kindergarten Inclusion Cohort, a parent-driven program created by NWDSA that empowers families to be active, informed partners on their children's educational journey. We All Belong is ideal viewing for educators, parents and policy makers. The questions raised in this film could create answers that lead to more diverse classrooms and create success for all learners.
Added: Oct 2017
What Is Inclusion (Video)
Inclusion Imperative | April 2015 | Length: 2:15 minsInclusion is a beacon and symbol for what is possible in our lives. Inclusion is not an answer to a problem but an initiative that is an opportunity.
Added: Jan 2021
What It’s Like to Have a Brother or Sister with A Disability (Video)Published: Dec 2, 2017 | ABC News | 2:44 minutes"I think it makes you, like, a better person, more aware of other people's needs."
Added: Feb 2018 | Updated: Feb 2019
Winnie the Pooh and the Social Model of Disability (Video)
September 2019 | Length: 4:47 minsIn this video, Dr. Julie Causton founder and CEO of Inclusive Schooling, talks about how to work from a strength-based approach. And, she invites all of us to be intentional in the ways we think, write, and speak about students.
Access the PPT that is associated with this training video at via Google Docs.
Added: Jan 2021
7-year-old girl’s message about Down syndrome (Video)
Published: Oct 2016 | 1:23 minutesSofia Sanchez wants you to know that Down syndrome "isn't scary at all"; in fact, it's actually quite "exciting."
Added: Nov 2016
A Day in the Life (Video)
Published: Sept 2019 | Length: 4:33 minutesSteven has Down syndrome. This could be a day in his life.
Added: Dec 2019
A father’s touching film celebrating the life of his son born 14 weeks early (Video)
Published: Nov 2013 | 7 minutesThis film is a tribute to NICU nurses, the love of these parents and an amazing baby boy.
Added: Sep 2016
ABC’s by a Toddler with Down Syndrome (Video)
Published: Jan 26, 2016 | 1 minuteOne little boy's sweet rendition of the alphabet is taking the Internet by storm after his grandmother shared a video of him singing on Facebook.
Added: Sep 2016
Act of Kindness Transforms A Boy’s Birthday (Video)April 5, 2019 | Length: 2:48 minsYou know how middle school kids sometimes operate like they're in a pack? Well, that's pretty much what happened here. Gavin led the way and the others followed. The only surprise was that Gavin didn't start trouble. He started a friendship.
Added: Sep 2019
Adorable Asher is Changing the Face of Beauty (Video)
Published: Nov 1, 2016 | 1:15 minutesAfter a modeling agency snubbed this adorable baby's photos because he has Down syndrome, people around the world reacted. And now he's got a job with OshKosh B'gosh!
Added: Apr 2017
An Entire Class of First Graders Just Taught the World a Lesson (Video)
Published: Feb 2016 | 1:25 minutesClass learns sign language when a deaf student joins a classroom
Added: Sep 2016
Ballet for Everyone at the New York City Ballet – Sheer Joy (Video)
Published: Jun 2015 | 5:20 minutesWhen she reached out to the New York City Ballet about a dance program for children with special needs, she didn't expect a response. But what resulted is nothing short of sheer joy. For everyone.
Added: Sep 2016
Bitty and Beau’s Coffee Shop (Video)
Published: June 2017 | Length: 3:39 minutesAmy and Ben Wright opened Bitty and Beau’s Coffee in Wilmington, North Carolina to provide jobs for people who have disabilities, inspired by two of their children who have Down syndrome.
Added: Jan 2017 | Updated: Jul 2019
Born This Way: Shining a Light on Down Syndrome (Video)
Published: Mar 21, 2017 | 2 minutesWe are celebrating World Down syndrome day together. As a community, as a family, we need to lean on one another every day. We hope you share the love and celebrate with us.
Added: Apr 2017
Boy Opens Up to Classmates About Autism (Video)
Published: May 2019 | Length: 2:36 mins
A fourth grade student from Chino Valley, California, raised his hand in class one day and asked his teacher if he could address his fellow students. What happened next was a "beautiful thing," the boy's teacher, Lisa Moe, said.
Added: Jul 2019
Brothers and Best Friends Support Each Other (Video)May 10, 2018 | Length: 3:22 minsAndy is Deaf and diagnosed with Goldenhar syndrome. His brother, who is diagnosed with Treacher Collins, is his best friend and interpreter. After years of avoiding the spotlight Andy has learned that his unique qualities are part of his identity. He now wants the world to give him a chance.
Added: Jul 2018
Bryan’s Story (Video)
Published: Apr 2016 | 6:28 minutesAn 11 year old boy disabled with cerebral palsy calls plays for community football team. Bryan is non verbal and communicates with a Dynavox AAC device and eye gaze system. Wheelchair bound and in 6th grade at public school, Bryan contributes to his team in a positive way. Bryan's life continues to be an inspiration. He died peacefully in his sleep a few months after this was posted in 2010.
Added: Sep 2016
Carly Fleishman, Non-verbal Girl with Autism Speaks Through Her Computer (Video)Published: 20/20 ABC, August 2012 | Length: 10:52 minutes
Added: Dec 2019
Champion Gymnast with Down Syndrome overcomes obstacles and Inspires others (Video)
Published: Dec 2014 | 4:33 minutesFor Chelsea Werner, gymnastics started as a way to develop more muscle tone, a symptom from her diagnosis of Down syndrome. But now the sport is a way for her to show others just how much is possible for other athletes with the disorder.
Added: Sep 2016
Child Musicians from around the world perform Michael Jackson Tribute (Video)
Published: Aug 2016 | 6:44 minutesChild prodigies across the globe come together to Heal The World! MaatiBaani - a world music duo from India pays a tribute to the King Of Pop- an artist that has touched millions of hearts through his music!
Added: Nov 2016
Children with Autism: Videos from the Raising Children Network of Australia
This set of videos from Australia includes information on a wide range of topics related to children with autism. You’ll hear from professionals, parents and young adults with autism. Some of the information is specific to the system of services in Australia, but most of the information will be relevant to anyone working with or caring for children with autism.
Added: Dec 2019
Couple Adopts Three Kids with Down Syndrome (Video)
Published: April 27, 2017 | Length: 4 minutesShe was our scariest and our best "yes." - Heather Avis
Added: Jun 2017
Dad Meets Son with Down Syndrome at his Birth (Video)
Published: Mar 21, 2016 | 4 minutes"Whatever happens, you will know that you're loved." The life and smiles of 5-year-old Arlo, who has Down syndrome. Special thanks to father and filmmaker Daniel Sheire.
Added: Sep 2016
Dad’s Video Supporting His Son With Down Syndrome (Video)
Published: Feb 24, 2016 | 4:13 minutesA Canadian father is receiving support around the globe after posting a video of himself defending children with Down syndrome. Robb Scott, 41, of Truro, Nova Scotia, created the video on Feb. 20, 2016 after he said he overheard another father in a video store explaining to his son what Down syndrome was.
Added: Sep 2016
Dena Blizzard Talks About Her Daughter’s Anxiety (Video)
Published: Feb 2019 | Length: 7:10 minsDena Blizzard, comedian and creator of OneFunnyMother, talks about helping her daughter cope with anxiety and learning issues in this candid video. She shares how she and her daughter, Brooke, came up with a common language for addressing challenges. Blizzard also gives the background behind the viral Facebook Live video she filmed after a difficult IEP meeting. Watch it now.
Then check out our “In It” podcast to hear more from Blizzard about the IEP meeting video.
Added: Jul 2019
Dreams of People with Down Syndrome (Video)
Published: Dec 2015 | 4:23 minutesThose with Down syndrome have hopes and dreams just like everyone else.
Added: Sep 2016
Everyday People with Jack Johnson, Jason Mraz, Keb’ Mo’ (Video)
Turnaround Arts | May 2016 | Length: 3:18 mins"Everyday People" features Turnaround Arts students alongside their Turnaround Artists including Jack Johnson, Jason Mraz, Paula Abdul, Misty Copeland, Elizabeth Banks, Keb' Mo, Forest Whitaker, and many more performing this timely song by Sly and the Family Stone. This video was created to inspire the idea that all children deserve access to the arts in school and that the arts have the power to create change.
Added: May 2024
Father of Special Needs Kid Stuns His Classmates (Video)Published: Dec 12, 2017 | 2:12 minutesWhat is it like to eat lunch alone?
Added: Feb 2018 | Updated: Feb 2019
Feeling Through ExperienceA 90 minute 3 part video that includes the 18 minutes Feeling Through short video, Connecting the Dots 24 minute documentary about the making of the video and Engaging Community 48 minutes which brings together the DeafBlind community to discuss the video
Added: Jun 2021
Feeling Through, Short Award Winning Film (Video)
2020 | Length: 18 mins“After a late-night chance encounter with a DeafBlind man on a New York City street, writer/director Doug Roland wrote the award-winning short film, Feeling Through. Doug knew from the start he wanted to cast a DeafBlind actor to star, so he partnered with Helen Keller Services to realize that mission.” This Oscar-nominated, award-winning short film “has connected thousands of people in the DeafBlind, blind, and low-vision communities, and is connecting non-disabled people to the people and missions of those communities.”
Added: Jun 2021
Flashmob Performance of Lady Gaga’s Born This Way (Video)
Published: Aug 2012 | 4:34 minutesThe Jammers spring a surprise with a flashmob version of Lady Gaga's Born This Way. Awesome and inspiring. We're so proud of them!
Added: Nov 2016
Fourteen Year Old Jack Carroll, Stand Up Comic (Video)
Published: Apr 2013 | 7 minutesFourteen-year-old Jack Carroll generated a heavy dose of laughter during his performance on Britain's Got Talent. Using his condition as the fodder for his jokes, he received a standing ovation for his irreverence.
Added: Sep 2016
FREE Players Drum & Bugle Corps – DCI 2018 World Championships (Video)April 2019 | Length: 10:24 minutesThe WAIT IS OVER, It's FINALLY here!! The FREE Players Drum & Bugle Corps make history as the 1st #DifferentlyAbled or #SpecialNeeds group to ever perform at the Drum Corps International World Championships. Make sure to watch until the end!! Please Like & Share our performance to help promote #Inclusion to show that #MUSIC is for everyone!
Added: Dec 2019
Go Hammerheads! Winning with Autism (Video)
Published: Apr 2015 | 7:45 minutesChildren with disabilities often can't participate in team sports. A new documentary called "Swim Team" chronicles the Jersey Hammerheads, a swim team for kids with autism.
Added: Sep 2016
Grant, a six year old with heart (Video)
Published: Nov 2014 | 5:54 minutesMeet Grant. He's is six years old and has Diastrophic Dysplasia. He wants to share with you his own unique path to walk as a dwarf and prove he's just like your average six-year-old kid!
From running and climbing to dancing and painting, little Grant knows just how to live life in pure fun. But make sure not to call him a "baby," because even though he looks awfully similar to his one-year-old baby brother, he has a big heart with a big lesson to teach you. You're going to love what this ham has to say!
Added: Sep 2016
Human Needs are Not Special Needs (Video)
Published: Mar 16, 2017 | 2 minutesAsk yourself: what “special needs” does a person with Down syndrome really have? Check out to discover a new perspective.
Added: Apr 2017
I Am a Man with Down Syndrome and My Life is Worth Living (Video)J. Frank Stephens Speech at the UN | March 18, 2018 | 9:32 mins
See me as a human being, not a birth defect, not a syndrome. I don’t need to be eradicated. I don’t need to be cured. I need to be loved, valued, educated and, sometimes, helped. A life with Down syndrome can be as full and exciting as any other. Let us decide from this day forward to include, not exclude: educate, not isolate; and, celebrate, not terminate.
Added: Jul 2018
I’m Tyler (Video)
Published: Jul 2012 | 12:14 minutesTyler is a typical high school student who happens to have cerebral palsy and some other challenges. He has taken on a mission to educate the world about Ability Awareness. He believes that what a person, any person, CAN do is much more important than what he/she can't. The people in Tyler's life who have seen this and practiced Ability Awareness have made all the difference in the world to him.
For more information, go to the I'm Tyler website.
Added: Mar 2015 | Updated: Feb 2019
Jaxon Receiving His Prosthetic Legs (Video)3:38 minutesJaxon isn't your average 9-year-old. He was born with proximal femoral focal deficiency -- but that doesn't stop him from achieving his dreams. Watch this video to learn about his inspirational journey and struggle to receiving his prosthetic legs.
Added: Mar 2018 | Updated: Feb 2019
Just Breathe (Video)
Published: Jan 2015 | 3:41 minutesThis film is entirely unscripted. Children talk about their own neuro-scientific understanding of difficult emotions, and how they cope through breathing and meditation. It's instructive for us all!
Added: Sep 2016
Kids Meet a Woman with Down Syndrome (Video)
Published: HiHo Kids, June 2018 | Length: 5:58 minsEvery kid – including the one inside each of us – needs imagination and curiosity about the world. HiHo promotes empathy through play. On Kids Meet, curious kids meet--and interview--people with particular points of view.
Added: Nov 2018 | Updated: Feb 2019
Landmark Study Strikes a Resounding Note for Inclusion
Edutopia | December 2022 | Length: 1:30 minsNew research confirms that the best way to serve students with disabilities is in general ed—not siloed in special education classrooms.
Added: May 2024
Latkovski Sisters (Video)
Published: Jun 2013 | 3:32 minutesMeet two young ladies who love to dance. With choreograpaher Jennifer Wood they've perfected this special number called "Reflections." With a performance seen on the 2013 WHAS Crusade for Children telethon, here are sisters Quincy and Gracie Latkovski.
Added: Sep 2016
Man with Down Syndrome Silences Entire Congress With 5 Sobering Words (Video)Published: October 28, 2017 | 7:34 mins
Man with down syndrome silences entire congress with 5 sobering words. A young man with Down syndrome delivered a powerful testimony on Capitol Hill, and it was five words in particular that perfectly summarized his moving message.
Added: Jun 2018
Microsoft Commercial Super Bowl 2019: When Everybody Plays, We All Win (Video)
Publisehd: Jan 2019 | Length: 1:56 mins
When technology empowers each of us, it empowers all of us. This Super Bowl, follow the inspirational story of passionate young gamers rising to the top of their game with a little help from their friends, family and the Xbox Adaptive Controller. The story illustrates Microsoft’s commitment to building accessible technology that levels the playing field and creates opportunity for all of us.
Added: Jul 2019
Mom’s Video Showcases the Joy of Having a Child with Down Syndrome (Video)
Published: Oct 2016 | 3:38 minutesOakley Peterson, mom of Welles, who has Down syndrome, worked with's #StrongLikeYou series to create a video telling the story of Welles' birth and the joy he brings to his family.
Added: Nov 2016
More Alike Than Different (Video)
Published: Mar 19, 2015 | 2:37 minutesTo celebrate World Down Syndrome Day, siblings Lauren and Paul Costabile produced the short video below, called “More Alike Than Different.” In it, they asked kids with Down syndrome, as well as typically developing kids, some simple questions and recorded their answers.
Added: Sep 2016
My Name is Jude (Video)
Published: Mar 2013 | 3 minutesThis is a video I created about our son, Jude and some of his experiences - both good and bad over the last couple of years and how several community facilities and programs, played an important part during that time.
Added: Sep 2016
New restaurant staffed with deaf waiters (Video)
Published: Jul 2014 | 2:33 minutesA Toronto restaurant called "Signs" is staffed entirely with deaf waiters, a first for Canada.
Added: Sep 2016
Nike surprises runner with cerebral palsy with pro contract (Video)
Published: October 2018 | Length: 2:36 minsJustin Gallegos, a runner at Oregon with cerebral palsy, thought he was just finishing another cross country race. Little did he know, Nike was waiting at the finish line to offer him a pro contract.
Added: Nov 2018 | Updated: Feb 2019
Our Difficulties Will Not Stop Us From Helping Another (Video)June 17, 2018 | Length: 30 secs
Added: Sep 2018
Question Time with Shakti: Spina Bifida (Video)Published: Nov 7, 2017 | 5:14 minutesYoung and suave, Shakti's confidence took a hit when he left his friends at high school for the university in the big city. He tells us how he found his groove and why a certain bar owner thinks he's a health and safety risk...
Added: Feb 2018 | Updated: Feb 2019
Rare Disease Day (Video)
Published: Feb 2015 | 2:16 minutesBeautiful and artistic video done with shadows and hands that promotes awareness of rare diseases.
Added: Sep 2016
RSA Shorts: The Power of Empathy (Video)
Published: Dec 2013 | 2:53 minutesWhat is the best way to ease someone's pain and suffering? In this beautifully animated RSA Short, Dr Brené Brown reminds us that we can only create a genuine empathic connection if we are brave enough to really get in touch with our own fragilities.
Added: Sep 2016
Sanchez Kid’s Surf (Video)
Length: 1:34 minsHere it is!!!!! The amazing collaboration with Target and Vineyard Vines!!!!
Added: Jul 2019
See the Child Before the Disability | Unicef (Video)
Published: May 2013 | 2:32 minutesChildren with disabilities and their communities both benefit if society focuses on what those children can achieve, rather than what they cannot.
Added: Sep 2016
Self-Regulation: ADHD and Dance (Video)March 24, 2018 | Length: 2:16 mins
The story of a boy with ADHD whose life was transformed when he discovered dance.
Added: Jul 2018
Special Needs and Inclusion (Video)Published: ECE CompSAT, California Department of Education, 2014 | 12:39 mins
This video addresses "Philosophy, Policies, and Practices," "Developmentally and Individually Appropriate Practice," "Collaboration with Families and Service Providers," and "Environmental Access and Adaptive Equipment."
Added: Jun 2018
Sports Illustrated Kids 2012 SportsKids of the Year: Conner and Cayden Long (Video)
Published: Jan 2013 | 4:42 minutesSee the inspiring story of brothers Conner and Cayden Long, who were the recipients of Sports Illustrated Kids 2012 SportsKids of the Year award. Although Cayden has cerebral palsy it hasn't stopped him from competing in triathlons with his older brother Conner.
Added: Mar 2015
Stella Young – I am not your inspiration, thank you very much (Video)
Published: Apr 2014 | 9:16 minutesStella Young is a comedian and journalist who happens to go about her day in a wheelchair — a fact that doesn't, she'd like to make clear, automatically turn her into a noble inspiration to all humanity.
Added: Sep 2016 | Updated: Jul 2019
Tech High School – Uptown Funk Dance (Video)
Published: Jan 2015 | 5 minutesA video featuring the dance moves of a theater teacher and his students in Dallas demonstrates inclusion. Everyone participates!
Added: Sep 2016
Thank You, Mom – Tough Love: Sochi 2014 Paralympic Winter Games (Video)
Published: Feb 2014 | 1 minuteYou believed I could accomplish anything. And now so do I. Thank You, Mom.
Added: Sep 2016
The Inside Story: The Brampton Bakery That’s Shattering Stigmas (Video)
Published: Feb 2014 | 5:37 minutesThe cupcakes at Cristina’s Tortina Shop are delicious, but it’s what’s going on behind the counter that is truly inspiring. You can visit the shop at 17 Ray Lawson Blvd. in Brampton
Added: Sep 2016
The True Story of Kid President (Video)
Published: Feb 2013 | 4:21 minutesHave you seen the videos of Kid President? Here is the story of a resilient, creative young man who happens to have some challenges that he won't let slow him down.
Added: Sep 2016
These Amazing Models are Changing How the Disability World Sees Disability (Video)
Published: Feb 27, 2017 | 1 minuteDiversity has been taking over the runway.
Added: Apr 2017
This Kid Tried to Quit Band, Teacher Had Other Plans-Drums (Video)
Published: Feb 2015 | 2:56 minutesWhen an illness started taking away a student's ability to play the drums, his band director made different plans. Find out what she did to make sure the music didn't stop for this dedicated student.
Added: Sep 2016
Tim’s Place: Restaurant Owner with Down Syndrome (Video)
Published: Dec 2003 | 2:56 minutesA heartwarming profile of Tim Harris, Albuquerque's happiest purveyor of breakfast, lunch, and hugs.
Added: Sep 2016
Toddler with Down Syndrome Sings with Sister (Video)Published: Jan 16, 2018 | ABC News | 1:45 minutesEven at 25 months old, Bo Gray has a bit of a theme song: "You Are My Sunshine."
Added: Feb 2018 | Updated: Feb 2019
We All Play for Canada (Video)
Published: 2016 | Length: 1 minWhen a neighborhood kid steps up to make sure everyone is included, he demonstrates that when the best of us steps up, our nation stands a little taller.
Added: Jun 2017
What are you doing? A film about autism explained by kids (Video)
Published: Apr 2012 | 3:35 minutes"What are you doing?" is a short film, created by Autism Awareness, which aims to teach school aged children about acceptance and understanding of their peers with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
The film addresses some of the fears children may have about ASD, answers their questions and helps show them how they can be a great friend to a classmate on the autism spectrum. The film includes enlightening interviews with the brothers, sisters, cousins and friends of children on the spectrum. These friends and family members share their thoughts and experiences on what it is like to share their life with someone on the spectrum.
Through beautiful imagery, engaging narrative and quirky animation, the film sends a message that children with autism should be accepted, supported and encouraged by their peers to be a part of their community.
Added: Sep 2016
When Is It Okay to Use the R-Word? (Video)
Published: Apr 2015 | 3:48 minutesIf you're still not sure when it's okay to say the R-word, maybe it's time to listen to the 6.5 million people who have intellectual disabilities in the United States alone.
Added: Sep 2016 | Updated: Jul 2019
When Kids Create Inclusion: Danimal’s Army: Pee Wee Football Team Take a Stand for a Friend (Video)
Published: Dec 2013 | 6:24 minutesDanny Keefe is a 6-year-old optimist with a speech disorder. And he doesn't care what other people think. In fact, this spunky kindergartner wears a suit, tie, and fedora to school every day. He's also the water coach for the Bridgewater Badgers, a pee wee football team comprised of a band of boys who have rallied around Danny in the hopes to make his life better.
Added: Sep 2016
World Down Syndrome Day (Videos)
World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD), observed on 21 March every year, is a global awareness day which has been officially observed by the United Nations since 2012.
Down Syndrome International (DSi) encourages our friends all over the world to choose their own activities and events on WDSD to help raise awareness of what Down syndrome is, what it means to have Down syndrome, and how people with Down syndrome play a vital role in our lives and communities.
Added: Sep 2016
You Can’t Ask That-S2-Down Syndrome (Video)
Length: 2:34 mins
People with Down Syndrome are often faced with a world that believes they don't have much to contribute. Tonight, #YouCantAskThat gives them a chance to speak for themselves.
Added: Jul 2019
“Float” – Full Spark Short Pixar (Video)
Disney | February 26, 2021 | Length: 7:17 minsPixar Animation Studios and the SparkShorts filmmakers of FLOAT are in solidarity with the Asian and Asian American communities against Anti-Asian hate in all its forms. We are proud of the onscreen representation in this short and have decided to make it widely available, in celebration of what stories that feature Asian characters can do to promote inclusion everywhere. Pixar Instagram:
Added: Jun 2021
3rd Grader Starts School Year with Speech About Autism (Video)“Raise your hand if you know what autism is," said Jackson. "Raise your hand if you know that I have autism. It makes some parts of my brain work really well and some parts my brain work not very well. Doctors don't know what makes some brains have autism and some brains not have it. I have it, but Charley doesn't, even though he's my twin brother."
Added: Oct 2017
Autism Speaks (Videos)
Autism Speaks has grown into the nation's largest autism science and advocacy organization, dedicated to funding research into the causes, prevention, treatments and a cure for autism; increasing awareness of autism spectrum disorders; and advocating for the needs of individuals with autism and their families.
Added: Sep 2016
Bringing the Signs of Early Autism into Focus Video Tutorial (Video)
Published: Jun 2013 | 9 minutesThe Kennedy Krieger Institute and Maryland Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) have published a free online video to improve the recognition of the early signs of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) among pediatricians, parents and early intervention providers. The tutorial consists of six video clips that compare toddlers with no signs of ASD to toddlers with early signs of ASD and includes an explanation of how the specific behaviors exhibited by each child are either suggestive of ASD or typical child development.
Added: Sep 2016 | Updated: Dec 2018
Imagine and Experience What It’s Like to Have Autism (Video)
Published: Jan 2014 | 2:33 minutesMany children with high-functioning autism (or Aspergers) want to have friends, but they simply don't know how to go about it. They may not be able to understand others' emotions, or read facial expressions and body language. As a result, they may be teased and often feel like social outcasts. The unwanted social isolation can lead to anxiety and depression.
Added: Sep 2016
Introducing, “You Are Going to Love This Kid!” (Video)Length: 4:32 mins“Our job isn’t to figure out if a student should be participating. Our job is to figure out how they should participate.” In this video intro to Paula Kluth’s “You’re Going to Love this Kid!”, a wonderful resource on inclusive education, you’ll get a sample teaching strategy called “getting it off the page” and discover a word processing support for students with autism called AlphaSmart.
Added: Sep 2018
Minnesota Autism Multi-Media GalleryLibrary of videos that explore the subject of understanding and living with ASD.
Added: Mar 2018
Sesame Street & Autism (Videos)
Sesame Workshop created Sesame Street and Autism: See Amazing in All Children, a nationwide initiative aimed at communities with children ages 2 to 5. Developed with input from parents, people who serve the autism community, and people with autism, See Amazing in All Children offers families ways to overcome common challenges and simplify everyday activities. At the same time, the project fosters an affirming narrative around autism for all families and kids.
Added: Oct 2016
Sesame Street’s First Episode Starring Julia who has Autism (Video)
Published: Apr 10, 2017 | 10 minutesThe subtle brilliance of Sesame Street’s first episode starring an autistic Muppet.
Added: Apr 2017
The Good Side of Autism (Video)Published: Apr 25, 2015 | 6:13 minutesAutism isn't always bad. It can be a wonderful thing to learn from, grow from and see the world in a new way. Our wonderful son has shown us the good side of autism.
Added: Feb 2018 | Updated: Feb 2019
The Sensory Room: Helping Students With Autism Focus and Learn (Video)May 3, 2017 | Length: 5:20 minsImagine a safe space where students with autism can go to calm their bodies and then get back to the business of learning.
Added: Jul 2018
Third Grader Starts School Year with Speech About Autism (Video)Published: Sep 9, 2015 | 1:29 minutesJackson gave a speech to help his classmates better understand his daily challenges.
Added: Feb 2018 | Updated: Feb 2019
Three Ways Teachers Can Support Autism (Video)Published: 2017 | 4:18 minutes
A psychologist explains practical ways teachers can support children with autism. Expect more; teach acceptance; avoid overload. Julia from Sesame Street is featured.
Added: Feb 2018
Three Ways that Teachers Can Support Kids with Autism (Video)Published: April 10, 2017 | 4:18Sesame Workshop has introduced Julia, a muppet with autism. Advocates are excited because this is one of the first places that parents can find positive, empowering information about autism. Laura Anthony is a clinical psychologist with the Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders at Children’s National Health System. She gives teachers her top three tips to support children with autism in school.
Added: Jun 2018
Voices of Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (Video)
Published: 22 minutesIs a collection of videos that explore the lives of individuals with ASD, with a focus on first person accounts and an exploration of what it means to live with ASD. The goal is to deepen understanding among individuals with ASD, their families, and communities through the sharing of personal stories.
The video library is a project of the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Clinic of JFK Partners, a University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. Please check back from time to time as more videos will be added.
Added: Nov 2016
What is Autism to You? (Video)May 28, 2018 | Length: 14:24 minsThe beginning clips are to show the Fearmongering surrounding Autism. The video then goes on to dispel this fear by explaining what Autism is to an Autistic person. My autistic son who is 6 and pre-verbal is the reason I made this video. I want the world to be a better place for him, one where he is not viewed as abnormal or weird because he is autistic.
Added: Jul 2018
What You Need to Know About Neurodiversity (Video)July 9, 2018 | Length: 3:15 minsDevon MacEachron, psychologist talks about the evolutionary value of the genes for ADHD and Autism.
Added: Sep 2018
3-year-old captures hearts, inspires with affirmations: ‘I am smart. I am blessed.’ (Video)
"I am smart. I am blessed. I can do anything," 3-year-old Ayaan told his mother, Alissa Brielle, who captured the message on her phone. "I am smart. I am blessed. I can do anything. I am smart. I am blessed. I can do ANYTHING!"
(MORE: Sweet pencil affirmations are the simple, loving hack parents need)
In the video, posted on social media Oct. 1 a little after 8:30 a.m., Ayaan was walking with his mom to school. He wore a backpack and he carried a banana.
Brielle and Ayaan's father, Alpha, had been teaching him for some time that he could grow up to be anything he wants. The three-sentence affirmation was one of their first lessons more than a year ago.
Added: Dec 2019
A New Understanding of the Childhood Brain (Video)
Published: May 19, 2017 | 2:43 minutesThis gorgeous animation explains the biology of childhood trauma and how therapeutic interventions can overcome the effects of toxic stress.
Added: Jun 2017
Accentuate the Positive: The Transformative Power of Small Encouragements and Welcoming Interactions (Video)Published: December 22, 2016 | 1:01 minsThis blog and video explain research on “microaffirmations”. These “microaffirmations” can be transformative—not only for academic work, for for the broader school climate and even for life outcomes.
Added: Jun 2018
ACES Too High
ACES Too High is a news site that reports on research about adverse childhood experiences, including developments in epidemiology, neurobiology, and the biomedical and epigenetic consequences of toxic stress. We also cover how people, organizations, agencies and communities are implementing practices based on the research. This includes developments in education, juvenile justice, criminal justice, public health, medicine, mental health, social services, and cities, counties and states.
- Additional ACES Too High Resources
- The Secret to Fixing School Discipline? Change the Behavior of Teachers
Two kindergarteners at Cherokee Point Elementary School in San Diego’s City Heights neighborhood get into a fight on the playground. Their teacher sends them to the principal’s office. Instead of suspending or expelling the six-year-olds, as happens in many schools, Principal Godwin Higa ushers them to his side of the desk. He sits down so that he can talk with them eye-to-eye and quietly asks: “What happened?” He points to one of the boys. “You go first.” - Five Minute Video Primer about the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (Video) Published: April 2016 | 5 minutes
Many people have been asking for a short video that explains the CDC-Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences Study, the groundbreaking epidemiological research that revealed the link between childhood trauma and the adult onset of chronic disease, mental illness, violence and being a victim of violence. - England and Wales produce new animation about ACEs & resilience (Video)Published: May 2017 | 5:43 minutes
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are those that directly harm a child; such as physical, verbal and sexual abuse or physical or emotional neglect – as well as those that affect the environment where they grow up; including parental separation, domestic violence, mental illness, alcohol abuse, drug use or incarceration.
Added: Sep 2016 | Updated: Jul 2019
An Inside Look at Trauma Informed PracticesThis post by Edutopia shows 4 videos that demonstrate trauma informed practices used in a Nashville school district:
- Trauma Informed Teaching: A Whole-School Approach
- Encouraging Students Self-Regulation with the "Peace Corner"
- Building Mentor-Mentee Relationships (2 minute Check-In, Check-Out every day)
- Supporting Teachers
Added: Mar 2018
Brain Highways: Fun Educational Programs to Improve Focus and BehaviorVideos for Kids and Adults About the Brain
Added: Apr 2017
Center on the Developing Child Harvard University: Multimedia Resources
- Translation Library
Many Center resources have been translated into a variety of languages. Below, find all our translated materials, or filter by the language for which you’d like to find translated materials. - Dr. Jack P. Shonkoff, Migrant Family Separation Congressional Testimony
Published: Feb 2019 | Length: 6:36 minsCenter Director Jack P. Shonkoff, M.D., presented testimony at a hearing of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations. As Dr. Shonkoff writes, "From a scientific perspective, the forcible separation of children from their parents is like setting a house on fire. Prolonging that separation is like preventing the first responders from doing their job." - Child Development Core Story (Videos)
This educational video series on the importance of the early years was created by the Project for Babies, a former initiative of the University of Minnesota Center for Early Education and Development. The series features Regents Professor Megan Gunnar, Director of the Institute for Child Development at the University of Minnesota, and a member of the National Scientific Council on the Developing Child. The series consists of five videos, each approximately three to seven minutes in length: Brain Architecture; Serve and Return; Stress; Pay Now or Pay Later; Resilience.
- Additional Videos from the Center on the Developing Child
- The Spectrum of Neglect: Four Types of Unresponsive Care Published: Oct 31, 2013 | 6 minutesUsing science as a guide, this interactive chart delineates four types of diminished responsiveness and their consequences in order to provide a useful framework for developing more effective strategies to protect vulnerable children from this complex challenge. The four short video clips below, each under a minute in length, are excerpts from the 6-minute video InBrief: The Science of Neglect. The chart is based on a graphic from The Science of Neglect: The Persistent Absence of Responsive Care Disrupts the Developing Brain, a Working Paper from the National Scientific Council on the Developing Child.
- Early Childhood Mental Health Video Published: Jun 19, 2015 | 5 minutesScience tells us that the foundations of sound mental health are built early in life. Early experiences—including children's relationships with parents, caregivers, relatives, teachers, and peers—interact with genes to shape the architecture of the developing brain. Disruptions in this developmental process can impair a child's capacities for learning and relating to others, with lifelong implications.
- Building Adult Capabilities to Improve Child Outcomes: A Theory of ChangePublished: May 14, 2013 | 5:18 minutesThis 5-minute video depicts a theory of change that describes the need to focus on building the capabilities of caregivers and strengthening the communities that together form the environment of relationships essential to children's lifelong learning, health, and behavior.
Added: Sep 2016 | Updated: Jul 2019
Childhood Trauma: What Every Teacher Needs to Know (Video)Published: May 1, 2016 | 1:16 minsTeachers can make a difference for all their students, but when it comes to children of trauma, we may be their lifeline.
Added: Jun 2018
CSEFEL VideosPromoting Social and Emotional Competence, Practical Strategies.
Added: Sep 2016
Deaf Grandmother teaches 9 weeks old Deaf baby sign language – Aria Belle (Video)Published: Apr 18, 2017 | 1:01 minutes
Added: Feb 2018
Do Girls Respond to Criticism Differently Than Boys? (Video)
Published: Feb 2014, Carol Dweck | Length: 1:06 minsAbsolutely! Stanford psychologist and Mindset author Carol Dweck says it's night and day -- and linked to the self-esteem gender gap.
Added: Jul 2019
Don’t Flip Your Lid! (Video)
Published: 2015 | Length: 4:12 minsKids from an elementary school in Glenview, Wisconsin created a hip-hop video telling you how not to flip your lid.
Added: Nov 2018 | Updated: Feb 2019
Dr. Bruce Perry on the importance of human connections (Video)Published: Mar 2010 | Length: 26:40 minsDr. Bruce Perry discusses the disconnect between what our children need to thrive and what the modern world has to offer, emphasizing the importance of human connections at early stages in life. He also offers tools for parents to help their children develop healthy minds, nurture friendships, overcome traumatic experiences, and feel cherished. Drawing from his own experience as a parent, Dr. Perry further informs us how parents can evaluate themselves as friends, spouses, workers, etc. to become better role models for their children Living Smart by emphasizing the importance of human connections.
Added: Sep 2016 | Updated: Feb 2019
Edutopia-Orienting Educators to SEL Through Video (Videos)Check out each of these distinctive videos that show educators, parents, and school leaders what social-emotional learning looks like in action in the classroom.
Added: Sep 2018
Edutopia: How Learning Happens Video SeriesPublished: Nov 2018
How can schools better align their practices with what the science says about human learning? Our new video series, featuring Linda Darling-Hammond, president and CEO of Learning Policy Institute, and Pamela Cantor, MD, founder and senior science advisor of Turnaround for Children, pairs research insights with a variety of illustrative strategies from schools, all grounded in the science of human learning and development.
Added: Jul 2019
Edutopia: Social + Emotional Videos
Explore videos that showcase evidence-based learning practices in K-12 schools, and see our core strategies and key topics in action.
- Edutopia's Five Minute Film Festival: Nine Videos on Kindness, Empathy and Connection
- Five Keys to Successful Social and Emotional Learning (Video) Length: 6:03 mins
- Social Emotional Learning: A Schoolwide Approach
Strategies like mindfulness, emotional regulation, and supportive small groups help Symonds meet the academic and social needs of their students - Elevating Student Voice: Combing Well Being, Speaking Skills, and Project Based Learning
At School 21, students are exposed to different real-world contexts -- emotionally, academically, and creatively -- to discover their voice and place in the world. - Wellbeing: Developing Empathy, Emotional Awareness, and Agency
Learn how School 21 explores topics like culture, diversity, and responsibility using drama techniques, grounding texts, and controversial statements.
Added: Sep 2016 | Updated: Feb 2019
First Words Project: Social Communication Growth Chart VideosThe videos were developed by the FIRST WORDS Project at Florida State University to teach families of infants and toddlers between 9 and 24 months about the five domains of social communication development: Language, Play, Social Competence, Emotional Regulation, and Self-Directed Learning.
Added: Nov 2016
Georgia Education Leaders Release New Learning Climate VideosUnless discipline focuses on teaching children how to act appropriately, they won't learn anything from it. Creating a supportive school climate—and decreasing suspensions and expulsions—requires close attention to the social, emotional, and behavioral needs of all students.
But all too often, preschools and early learning centers are left out of conversations about school climate and strategic planning for student discipline.
The Get Georgia Reading Campaign has released a new resource to educate childcare and school staff about embracing a new way of looking at behavior and discipline. Five videos, created for administrators, teachers, parents, policymakers—anyone with a stake in creating healthy classrooms in Georgia—show how to apply positive learning climate practices in everyday, real-life classroom scenarios:
Added: Sep 2016
Growing Stronger Pre-K Teachers in San Jose, California (Video)This video, produced by New America, documents reform of early childhood systems and training that focuses on explicitly teaching social and emotional skills with the use of the Teaching Pyramid.
Added: Sep 2018
Healthy Habits of Mind (Video)
Published: Oct 2013 | 41:14 minutesThis film shows how kindergarteners in Oxford Elementary School in Berkeley, San Francisco are introduced to mindfulness in school. They practice mindful listening, mindful eating, mindful movement and yoga. Mindfulness is a way of being and one of the benefits is that it teaches how to pay attention. As a kindergartener your attention is required in order to learn how to read and write - often in an environment with a lot of external stimuli. Starting early with practicing these healthy habits of mind is a very good idea. Like learning to play an instrument it is much easier early on in life than later on in life. Includes interviews with Neuroscientist Richard Davidson and Mindful Schools Program Director Megan Cowan. Mindful Schools offers courses for educators, psychologists, and parents to learn mindfulness and use it with children and adolescents. Learn more at
Added: Oct 2017
If we could see insides the hearts of others (Video)
Added: Oct 2016
Introducing Greater Good Parenting Videos: Raising Caring, Courageous Kids (Videos)
July 2019Join us as we share research-based insights to guide your kids toward making choices that serve the greater good. This series of short animated videos demonstrate how to help your child develop humility, honesty, gratitude, generosity and other valued character traits to make the world a better place.
Added: Dec 2019 | Updated: Jun 2020
Just Breathe (Video)
Published: Jan 2015 | 3:41 minutesThis film is entirely unscripted. Children talk about their own neuro-scientific understanding of difficult emotions, and how they cope through breathing and meditation. It's instructive for us all!
Added: Sep 2016
Kid President: What Are We Teaching the World
This is funniest back to school prep talk you may have missed. Let’s all be awesome!
Added: Oct 2017 | Updated: Feb 2019
Kids Explain MindfulnessAdded: Apr 2017
Kids fight. Hurt feelings linger. What’s a parent to do? Teach forgiveness. (It really works!) (Video)
Published: Jan 2018 | 1:16 minutesThis animated video from Great Schools! Teaching your kids to forgive each other heals hurts, keeps the peace, and gives them an invaluable life skill.
Added: Mar 2018
Kindergarten Class Shakes Hands Every Morning (Video)May 27, 2018 | Lenght: 1:02 mins"This is something we do every morning to start our day off on the right foot! Every child in my class does this," wrote Asher's teacher, Ashley Coston Taylor. "It’s amazing to see my Littles can do something now that they will use the rest of their life. And hopefully make them better people for it!!"
Added: Jul 2018
Meditation Helps Lower Truancy and Suspensions (Video)Published: Feb 21, 2012Surrounded by poverty and escalating violence, a San Francisco middle school committed to peace and embraced a program of meditation that has made students feel safer, teachers more productive, and brought unity and purpose to the school. Click "like" if you enjoyed this video!
Added: Sep 2016 | Updated: Feb 2019
Message from Kids to Teachers about What they NeedWhat these children with learning disabilities have to say is really important and something all adults need to hear. I had no idea! - via
www.brainhighways.comAdded: Apr 2017
Mindfullness In the Classroom Starts with Teachers (Video)Published: Jun 7, 2017 | 2:53 minutesCambridge Public Schools in Massachusetts is working to incorporate yoga and mindfulness into classrooms to help both students and teachers manage their stress and regulate their emotions.
Added: Feb 2018 | Updated: Feb 2019
Mindfulness Could Improve School Performance (Video)Published: June 14, 2017 | 4:11 minutesSchool officials are interviewed about the impact of mindfulness training on students and teachers.
Added: Oct 2017 | Updated: Feb 2019
Mindfulness with Young Children (Video)
Eastern Connecticut University | 2023 | Length: 9:35 minsYoga, meditation, and other mindfulness practices can have powerful effects on children's ability to self-regulate, interact with their peers, and attend to school.
In this video, mindfulness expert Dr. Martha Goldstein-Schultz, preschool teachers Emily Grogan and Amy Figueroa, and 3rd grade teacher Erin Trudeau describe how to build simple mindfulness practices into the school day.
Added: May 2024
Momentous Institute Video Library
As a leading provider of therapeutic and education services, Momentous Institute impacts over 5,500 kids and family members each year. We tailor our approach to the specific needs of each child and their family situation and focus on building and repairing social emotional health — developing kids who become self-regulated, good communicators, problem-solvers, empathetic, grateful, gritty and optimistic.
Added: Sep 2018 | Updated: Jul 2019
Morning Meetings (Video)Published: Edutopia, Oct 2017 | Length: 4:57Starting the day with this 15-minute activity helps students regulate their emotions and focus on the day’s learning.
Added: Jul 2019
Nation at Hope: Video DemonstrationsNov 2018
What does it look like to support the whole learner? The following videos, produced by Edutopia in collaboration with the National Commission, show how schools and classrooms across the country are supporting their students’ social, emotional, and academic growth. They explore what we know from research about how learning happens and how that knowledge can be translated into practices and strategies for students at all ages and stages. See sample videos in the three categories below:
How Learning Happens: Sample VideosLearning and The Social BrainIntegrating Social, Emotional, and Academic Development in Nashville Added: Jul 2019
PBiS Rising Stars PreschoolWhat is PBiS? Learn how the Rising STARS Preschool at Thayer Central and Bruning-Devenport incorporate PBiS into their everyday routines.
Added: Apr 2017
Play in Early Childhood: The Role of Play in Any SettingCenter on the Developing Child | Length: 8:11 minsIn this video, learn more about how play can foster children's resilience to hardship, and how the complex interactions involved when children play help build their brains. Learn more about play and the science of early childhood development.
Added: May 2024
Preventing Expulsion from Preschool and Child CareJune 2015 | Zero to Three
These videos were taken at the "What's Behind Preschool Expulsion" Congressional briefing, held on June 11, 2015.
Added: Feb 2017 | Updated: Feb 2019
Promise to Georgia’s Children (Video)Published: August 24, 2017 | 3:31 mins Georgia’s children are asking you to make a promise that will forever shape their lives. With the commitment of caring people like you, by the year 2020, every early childhood educator in Georgia will have the skills to effectively prepare our children to meet or exceed grade-level reading requirements by the end of 3rd grade. Make your promise to Georgia’s children and join us in giving them the language and vocabulary skills to determine their own futures. Help us launch Read Right from the Start in your school. Visit
Read Right from the Start today to learn how.
Added: Jun 2018
Pyramid Model Overview (Video)Aug 2018 | Length: 8:58 minsThe Pyramid Model for Promoting Social-Emotional Competence in Infants and Young Children (Pyramid Model) is a conceptual framework of evidence-based practices for promoting young children’s healthy social and emotional development. This video provides an overview of the structure and levels of support.
Added: Jul 2019
Pyramid Model Resources-Early Childhood Intervention in Australia (13 Videos)
Published: May 2018Early Childhood Intervention Australia (ECIA) Victoria/Tasmania is a non-profit organisation promoting and supporting a system of quality services for young children with disability and/or developmental delay and their families.
Added: Jul 2019
Roots of Empathy (Video)Published: BBC News, January 23, 2018 | 3:36 minsThese babies are tackling bullying at school.
Added: Jun 2018
Sesame Street in Communities: Traumatic Experiences (Videos)
When a child endures a traumatic experience, the whole family feels the impact. But adults hold the power to help lessen its effects. Several factors can change the course of kids’ lives: feeling seen and heard by a caring adult, being patiently taught coping strategies and resilience-building techniques, and being with adults who know about the effects of such experiences. This website offers a variety of ways to bring these factors to life. It is available in both Spanish and English with a choice of information for parents and care givers or providers, holds videos, stories, printable activities, tip sheets geared toward different age groups (birth to 1, 2 to 3, and 4 to 6).
Added: Oct 2017 | Updated: Jul 2019
Stretch + Breathe: 5 Ways to Reinvigorate StudentsThe benefits of being active before, during, and after learning are well-known. “Movement fuels learning!” “Activate the body, activate the brain!” But being active doesn’t always mean raising the heart rate. We can activate our bodies by stretching them, by balancing, by breathing. It’s important to know what type of movement to use when—to awaken the body, or to calm the mind. This post provides 5 videos that show you five ways to stretch and breathe your way to focus.
Added: Sep 2018
Supporting Social and Emotional Development, Video Collection
Eastern Connecticut State UniversityEastern Connecticut University has developed research based videos supporting social and emotional development in early learning and care settings.
Added: Sep 2023
Teaching Moment: Social and Emotional Skills from the OunceInteraction between a girl with Down Syndrome and a friend
Added: Apr 2017
Teaching Pyramid: Success Stories (Videos)Program wide implementation of the Teaching Pyramid has had a positive impact on children, teachers, families and communities. Video clips from interviews with teachers describe the changes that they've experienced.
Added: Sep 2016
The Genius of PlayIt’s more than play! Through play, kids learn valuable skills they’ll use for a lifetime. The Genius of Play is your one-stop source for play ideas that build on these skills (with little to no prep time), expert advice and insights and the latest research on the value of play.
Added: Oct 2017 | Updated: Feb 2019
The Importance of Empathy in Everyday Life (Video)
Published: Feb 2017 | 3:30 minutesThis video by Devin Clark explores the importance of empathy and what you can do to improve your own.
Added: Mar 2018
The Power of Friendships in Early Childhood (Video)Interview with Jane Bertrand, University of Toronto
Added: Oct 2017
The Power of Praise: Effort, Not the Person (Video)Published: Feb 2019 | Length: 1:12 minsEnglish and Spanish Everyone likes to be acknowledged for doing a good job. Now new research shows praising young children for their efforts can have major benefits later. Such praise can build children’s motivation to work hard.
Added: Jul 2019
The Psychology of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (Video)June 2018 | Length: 5:12 minsMany of us will experience some kind of trauma during our lifetime. Sometimes, we escape with no long-term effects. But for millions of people, those experiences linger, causing symptoms like flashbacks, nightmares, and negative thoughts that interfere with everyday life. Joelle Rabow Maletis details the science behind post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD.
View this and read What’s Going on in the Brain of a Child Who Has Experienced Trauma (Video).
Added: Jul 2019
Three year old Matthew reads to his little brother and adds sign language (Video)Published: Mar 15, 2012 | 2:10 minutesThis video shows our three year old son reading to and signing with his 17 month old brother. You can see how much they love books and how much fun it is for them to sign together.
Added: Feb 2018 | Updated: Feb 2019
Why We Need Appreciation Not Just Recognition at Work (Video)Published: Small 2019
Leadership expert Mike Robbins explains the difference between being recognized for performance and genuinely appreciated for who you are.
Added: Jul 2019
Dan Habib (Videos)
Dan Habib (pronounced “Habeeb”) is the creator of the award-winning documentary films Including Samuel, Who Cares About Kelsey?, Mr. Connolly Has ALS, and many other short films on disability-related topics. Habib is a filmmaker at the University of New Hampshire’s Institute on Disability.
- Axel (Video) Published: 2013 | Length: 16:39 mins
This short film focuses on Axel Cortes and the staff at Idelhurst Elementary School in Somersworth, NH. Axel is a fifth grader with autism who is non-verbal and exhibited significant behavioral challenges when he arrived at school. - Intelligent Lives 5:12 minutesA documentary film about three pioneering young adults with intellectual disabilities who challenge perceptions of intelligence by Dan Habib.
- Disabling Segregation (Video) Published: Apr 22, 2014 | 18 minutesHabib (creator of the documentary films Including Samuel and Who Cares About Kelsey?) used his 18-minute TEDx talk to make a powerful case for ending the systemic segregation of students with disabilities.
- Thasya Published: Jun 26, 2012 | 13:20 minutesThasya Lumingkewas, 8, has autism and thrives at Maple Wood Elementary School in Somersworth, NH. The school has implemented Response to Intervention (RtI), Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and Universal Design for Learning (UDL). This film highlights the power of presuming competence, differentiated instruction and augmentative and alternative communication.
Added: Sep 2016 | Updated: Aug 2019
Dr. Kathleen Gallagher: Assembly of the Healthy Child (Video)
Published: Sep 14, 2015 | 12:38 minutesIn her talk "Assembly of the Healthy Child: The Next Steps," educational psychologist Kathleen Gallagher discusses how investing in high-quality early childhood programs, especially for children whose families live in poverty, can transform the wellbeing of entire communities.
Added: Sep 2016 | Updated: Jul 2019
The Genius of Babies (Videos)
Curious what goes on inside a tiny human mind? They can’t talk (yet), but babies know a lot more than you think. Five TED Talks each explores the genius of babies from a different perspective.
Added: Nov 2016 | Updated: Jul 2019
The Importance of Inclusion (Video)
Length: 9:46 minsSara Mauldin recognizes that she grew up in a society which separates people with disabilities. It encourages a perception that individuals with disabilities are lesser humans than those without. Mauldin advocates for the celebration, not separation, of all people. As a special education teacher and a disability rights advocate, Mauldin has dedicated her adult career to including students with disabilities in the classroom and on the playground. She is working towards a future in which children with disabilities and children without are all allowed to learn and play together, and to share the same humanity.
Added: Mar 2022
Jenna Kanell – A Bee Showed Me That Limits are Lies (Video)
Published: Oct 19, 2016 | 13:30 minutesJenna Kanell wrote and directed the short film "Bumblebees," a project currently on the film festival circuit and among academic curricula of varying levels. It stars her younger brother Vance, who was born with eight sensory disorders and overcame the negative expectations of medical professionals.
Her TEDxTryon talk explores the concept of discarding the goal of "becoming" in favor of "unbecoming;" applicable to everything from assigned labels and ideals to societal norms. She hopes for you to come away inspired by a new way to embark on your own self-exploration.
Added: Feb 2017 | Updated: Jul 2019
Molly Wright: How every child can thrive by five (Video)
August 9, 2021 | Length: 7:42 mins"What if I was to tell you that a game of peek-a-boo could change the world?" asks seven-year-old Molly Wright, one of the youngest-ever TED speakers. Breaking down the research-backed ways parents and caregivers can support children's healthy brain development, Wright highlights the benefits of play on lifelong learning, behavior and well-being, sharing effective strategies to help all kids thrive by the age of five. She's joined onstage by one-year-old Ari and his dad, Amarjot, who help illustrate her big ideas about brain science. (This TED Talk was produced in collaboration with Minderoo Foundation as an educational tool for parents and caregivers around the world and is supported by UNICEF.)
Added: Mar 2022
My philosophy for a happy life (Video)
Sam Berns | TEDxMidAtlantic | December 13, 2013 | Length: 12:44 minsJust before his passing on January 10, 2014, Sam Berns was a Junior at Foxboro High School in Foxboro, Massachusetts, where he achieved highest honors and was a percussion section leader in the high school marching band. He also achieved the rank of Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America. Sam was diagnosed with Progeria, a rare, rapid aging disease, at the age of 2. He is featured in the Emmy award-winning documentary Life According to Sam, which premiered on HBO on October 21, 2013, 2 days before his 17th birthday.
Added: Jun 2021
Nadine Burke Harris – How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime (Video)
Published: Sep 2014 | 16 minutesChildhood trauma isn't something you just get over as you grow up. Pediatrician Nadine Burke Harris explains that the repeated stress of abuse, neglect and parents struggling with mental health or substance abuse issues has real, tangible effects on the development of the brain. This unfolds across a lifetime, to the point where those who've experienced high levels of trauma are at triple the risk for heart disease and lung cancer. An impassioned plea for pediatric medicine to confront the prevention and treatment of trauma, head-on.
Added: Sep 2016 | Updated: Jul 2019
Peer Helper (Video)Published: Aug 2, 2017 | 8:19 minutesWhen Brett Lewis signed up to be part of an inclusion program at his school that would partner him with peers in the special education department, little did he know that he would end up meeting his best friend.
Added: Oct 2017 | Updated: Jul 2019
The Power of Inclusive Education (Video)Published: Ilene Swartz, April 2015 | Length: 11:29 minsThe classroom is a complex environment. If not explicitly managed it can quickly turn into a collection of smaller groups that happen to be in the same room rather than an inclusive whole. See how this, sometimes overlooked, aspect can make a profound difference.
Added: Jul 2019
Stella Young – I am not your inspiration, thank you very much (Video)
Published: Apr 2014 | 9:16 minutesStella Young is a comedian and journalist who happens to go about her day in a wheelchair — a fact that doesn't, she'd like to make clear, automatically turn her into a noble inspiration to all humanity.
Added: Sep 2016 | Updated: Jul 2019
Stuart Brown – Play is More Than Just Fun (Video)2008 | Length: 26:32 minsA pioneer in research on play, Dr. Stuart Brown says humor, games, roughhousing, flirtation and fantasy are more than just fun. Plenty of play in childhood makes for happy, smart adults -- and keeping it up can make us smarter at any age.
Added: Sep 2018 | Updated: Jul 2019
The Surprisingly Logical Minds of Babies (Video)
Published: Mar 2015 | 20:18 minutesHow do babies learn so much from so little so quickly? In a fun, experiment-filled talk, cognitive scientist Laura Schulz shows how our young ones make decisions with a surprisingly strong sense of logic, well before they can talk.
Added: Nov 2016 | Updated: Jul 2019
Torrie Dunlap – Isn’t It a Pity? The Real Problem with Special Needs (Video)
Published: Jan 2015 | 17 minutesKids with special needs are marginalized in our communities, and we are doing it with the best of intentions. Inclusion expert Torrie Dunlap, CEO,
Kids Included Together, shares why we need to change our thinking when it comes to special needs.
Added: Sep 2016 | Updated: Jul 2019
Universal Design: Elise Roy’s “When We Design for Disability, we all benefit”How can teachers use
Design Thinking and subsequently
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to create equitable learning environments for ALL their students? Is this even possible or desirable? In this lesson based upon Elise Roy's TEDxMidAtlantic talk, educators are asked to consider what would happen if they forged a beneficial design partnership between themselves and students.
Added: Nov 2016 | Updated: Jul 2019
American Educational Research Association (AERA) “Ed-Talk” VideosThe 31 videos feature diverse, leading education scholars discussing cutting-edge research on a range of important education and learning issues. For example, NIEER Director W. Steven Barnett discusses the impact quality preschool can have on achievement gaps and Barbara Rogoff discusses the learning strengths of young children with diverse backgrounds. The videos are accompanied by
32 research fact sheets with the underlying findings and cumulative research that frame the Ed-Talks. This is an absolute treasure trove for professional development providers!
Added: Jan 2017
Building Inclusive Child Care (BICC) Universal Design for LearningLink for video download found under "Related Links"Inclusive child care seeks the full integration of children with disabilities into the child care and pre-school setting. Accomplishing this goal requires the use of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles as well as working closely with families. The BICC Universal Design for Learning video and accompanying checklist is funded by the Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council and administered by Northampton Community College in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
Added: Sep 2016 | Updated: Oct 2021
CDC Public Health Image Library: Photos, Illustrations and VideosCreated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the PHIL offers an organized electronic gateway to CDC's pictures that others may use in their health messaging. The collections most likely to be useful to the early childhood community are: everyday activities, health behaviors, environmental health, natural disasters, and developmental milestones.
Added: Jul 2019
Center for Early Literacy Learning (CELL)The goal of the Center for Early Literacy Learning (CELL) is to promote the adoption and sustained use of evidence-based early literacy learning practices. This site has resources for early childhood intervention practitioners, parents, and other caregivers of children, birth to five years of age, with identified disabilities, developmental delays, and those at-risk for poor outcomes.
- Spanish Practice Guides for Use with Parents
Parents who speak Spanish may use these products to provide their infants, toddlers, or preschoolers with fun and exciting literacy learning experiences. Practitioners working with parents who speak Spanish may also find these helpful. - CELL Videos
CELL videos are designed for the teacher, parent, trainer, coach and home visitor. Each video introduces and illustrates a key component of the CELL Early Literacy Learning Model.
Added: Mar 2015 | Updated: Feb 2019
Center for Health Literacy Promotion (Video)Promoting Health Literacy with Free Info & Cool Tools from Your National Library of Medicine, a series of three brief training videos, is now ready for your use. The videos were developed by Sandra Smith, PhD, at the Center for Health Literacy Promotion in collaboration with the National Network of Libraries of Medicine Pacific Northwest Region. They were funded by NIH through a contract with University of Washington. This three-part video training series is designed for social and health services providers and programs with limited time and money for training and materials. The brief videos (8-10 minutes) are intended for independent or small group learning and for use in staff meetings, trainings and other scheduled activities. Session 1 provides a tutorial on Medline Plus that is available in Spanish.
Added: Sep 2016
CompSATCompSAT is a competencies-based, self-assessment toolkit. One of the hallmarks of a profession is standards for best practice. In California, early childhood educators have established a comprehensive set of expectations for our profession, set forth in the
California Department of Education Early Childhood Educator (ECE) Competencies. CompSAT is the companion to the CA ECE Competencies. CompSAT guides early educators through a process of self-reflection and authentic assessment in the 12 competency areas detailed in the ECE Competencies.
- Videos on the ECE Competencies
One of the hallmarks of a profession is standards for best practice. In California, early childhood educators have established a comprehensive set of expectations for our profession, set forth in the California Department of Education Early Childhood Educator (ECE) Competencies. The California Department of Education's Early Learning and Care Division (ELCD) produced videos to describe each of the 12 competencies detailed in the ECE Competencies. The videos are also on the CompSAT website that provides competencies-based, self-assessment toolkit.
Added: Apr 2015
CONNECT Modules Video Resource LibraryAdded: Sep 2016
DRaccess Video Library
Find these Inclusion Videos under the "General Interest" tab:
Added: Sep 2016
Early Choices Illinois Inclusion Initiative YouTube ChannelEarly CHOICESThe Early CHOICES inclusion initiative promotes increasing high quality inclusive early care and education for each and every child birth to age 5. Our goal is to increase the number of children with disabilities receiving specialized services in regular early care and education settings.
Added: May 2024
Head Start ECLKC: Media
Added: Sep 2016 | Updated: Aug 2019
Home is Where the Love Is: Homelessness, Children and Families- Vlog with video and resourcesFeb 2019In the February vlog, Dr. Bergeron visits Sesame Street! The series recently introduced Lily, a young muppet character whose family is experiencing homelessness. Dr. B and Kama Einhorn, Lily's lead developer, discuss approaches that help children feel secure and resources for programs and parents.
Added: Jul 2019
Inclusion Works! Video SeriesCalifornia Department of EducationThe Inclusion Works! video series is now available for free viewing on the California Early Learning Videos website. This six-video set is designed to be used in conjunction with the recently revised Inclusion Works! Creating Child Care Programs That Promote Belonging for Children with Disabilities publication.
The second edition of Inclusion Works! is an online-only publication provided by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS). The video set provides practical tools and resources for use when implementing high-quality, inclusive practices and creating a culture of belonging.
Added: Jun 2021 | Updated: Jul 2023
Infant and Toddlers: A Video CollectionFeaturing a collection of 200 short video clips, this site will provide users with a perfect window into the world of infants and toddlers and their daily experiences in child care. As well, users will see the wide range of tasks and roles that early childhood professionals take on each day. Finally, many of the clips highlight the importance of the partnerships that form between parents and the educators who care for their young children. Clips may be searched by criteria (e.g., develop-mental domain, activity language development, or educator strategies, like following the child’s lead), age of the children, or setting. It is also possible to find videos by doing a key word search.
Added: Jan 2017
National Center for Universal Design for Learning VideosVideos on the practice and implementation of Universal Design for Learning
Added: Feb 2017
National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD) Video LibraryWatch videos about birth defects, disabilities, developmental milestones, children’s mental health disorders, and other topics.
Added: Jul 2019
Protecting Brains, Stimulating Minds: The Early Life Roots of Success in School (Video)Jack Shonkoff | April 2, 2018 | Length: 1:33:53 minsFrom HarvardEducation: Understanding both the biology of adversity and the science of early learning is essential for building a strong foundation for reducing disparities in educational achievement. The benefits of evidence-based curricula in the early childhood years cannot be fully achieved without effective strategies for preventing the consequences of toxic stress.
Added: Jul 2018
Sesame Street in Communities: Home Is (Video)
Published: Sesame Street, Dec 2018 | Length: 2:21 mins
In this Sesame Street Workshop video, children share their experiences of home and homelessness. Their optimism and resilience supports the theme, "Home is where the love is."
Added: Jul 2019
Sesame Street in Communities: Family Homelessness
Your care and support can make a huge difference in the life of a young child. Sesame Street is here for you with activities and tips available in English and Spanish. Customize your experience by selecting the role that best describes you: "Parent/Caregiver" or "Provider."
Added: Jul 2019
Teaching At The Beginning: The Young Dual Language Learner: 20 Short VideosPublished: July 7, 2016
For monolingual and bilingual teachers alike, our YouTube channel showcases dual language learners, acquiring English. Now, our new playlist features the stages and strategies of preschool second language acquisition and gives a bird’s eye view of the trajectory of language development—across time! Our videos are ideal for professional development presentations and college courses as discussion starters and examples of real-world best practices. These videos may be used for educational purposes only.
Added: Jun 2018
The Truth About Diversity in Schools (Video)February 9, 2024, | Length: 12:03 minsIn this recording, Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak discusses why presuming competence is necessary to address the diversity of the modern classroom, how our intentions can lead to ableist practices, why the dominant culture perpetuates ableist practices and exclusion vs. inclusion, and how to move away from a medical model.
Added: May 2024
Understanding Inclusion Training Modules for Families and Caregivers
- Presented by: Early Choices
- Date: February 2021
- Language: Available in English and Spanish
The Understanding Inclusion series contains 6 topics that explore key ideas about inclusion in early childhood. The series covers a range of topics from defining inclusion to understanding the benefits to advocating for inclusion. This is a series of bite-size videos with embedded resources and activities to help understand, promote, and advocate for inclusion for children birth to age 5. Developed for families with family input, it is just as meaningful and useful for practitioners working with families who have children from birth to 5.
In each module topic, a topic guide is available for reflecting and applying what you learn to your own experience. The guide also has additional resources to explore the topic further.
We hope this series supports you on your journey of inclusion and provides you with resources that you can share and build upon.
Added: Jun 2021 | Updated: Sep 2023
Universal Design: Elise Roy’s “When We Design for Disability, we all benefit”How can teachers use
Design Thinking and subsequently
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to create equitable learning environments for ALL their students? Is this even possible or desirable? In this lesson based upon Elise Roy's TEDxMidAtlantic talk, educators are asked to consider what would happen if they forged a beneficial design partnership between themselves and students.
Added: Nov 2016 | Updated: Jul 2019
Videos about Early Care and Education and Early Intervention Services during the Pandemic (PDF)
Producer: Larry Edelman“Since the pandemic began, I have been committed to documenting how early intervention and early care and education services have been provided during these extraordinary times, both to illustrate the use of recommended practices for today’s practitioners and to preserve them for future generations. I feel very fortunate to have been able to partner with a number of innovative individuals and programs who share this commitment, specifically: Christina Kasprzak, Katy McCullough and their team at the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA); Juliann Woods, Kat Cripe and the Family Guided Routines-Based Intervention (FGRBI) team; and Patty Salcedo and her staff at the Desired Results Access Project. All told, we produced more than 40 videos totaling around 10 hours of video documentation. Because these videos appear across several websites and pages, this document may help you locate topics of interest.”
For question contact Larry Edelman at
Added: Nov 2021
Why Inclusion Video Series from STEM Innovation for Inclusion in Early Childhood Video Series
YouTube ChannelThis 3 part animated video series presents the research supporting inclusion including the biggest barriers and how to overcome them, characteristics of high quality inclusion and the most important outcomes from inclusion.
Additional videos support professional development for providing STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) learning opportunities for young children with disabilities (O-5).For more information visit:
Added: Jun 2021 | Updated: Oct 2021
4-year-old has heart-to-heart with his mom about how to process his feelings (Video)
Good Morning America | April 2023 | Length: 2:57 minsThis kid is wise beyond his years.
Added: Jun 2023
Alliance for Early SuccessThe Alliance for Early Success (formerly the Birth to Five Policy Alliance) is a catalyst for putting vulnerable young children on a path to success. As an alliance of state, national, and funding partners, our goal is to advance state policies that lead to improved health, learning, and economic outcomes for young children, starting at birth and continuing through age eight.
- Multimedia: Waves for Change (in Early Childhood)
The Alliance for Early Success is a catalyst for bringing state, national, and funding partners together to improve state policies for children, starting at birth and continuing through age eight.
Added: Apr 2015
Attitude: From New Zealand-Documentaries of People Living with Chronic Health Conditions (Videos)
Documentaries and videos of people living with chronic health or disability.
- Iziyah's World: Oscar Published: Dec 2018 | Length: 4:51 minsForget about your Jimmy Fallons and your James Cordons - the hottest new talk show host is 6-year-old, Iziyah Moemai. Living with chronic granulomatous is hard enough for many people to say but Iziyah just takes it in his stride. Here he teaches Oskar Kightley what life's all about.
- Kids with Disabilities: Iziyah Published: July 2017 | Length: 2:31 mins"Sometimes I'm the same and sometimes I'm a bit different!" Iziyah deals with some unique medical issues that most six year olds aren't familiar with. In this video he introduces us to his world and his big dream.
- Kids with Disabilities: Harper Published: Nov 2017 | Length: 2:40 minsHarper is six years old and full of life! Despite some health challenges, he gives everything a go and wants to be a famous actor when he grows up.
Added: Jul 2019
Best Practices in Family Engagement Video SeriesThe Best Practices in Family and Community Engagement Video Series is designed to support each program's efforts toward systemic and integrated engagement. Rooted in the Office of Head Start (OHS) Parent, Family, and Community Engagement (PFCE) Framework, the videos highlight examples of innovative approaches to engagement that foster strong relationships with families and lead to positive outcomes for children and families.
Added: Apr 2017
California Child Care Licensing Resource for Parents and Providers (Video)This website includes videos that explain licensing topics relevant to families and licensed child care providers. Learn more about how family child care homes and child care centers can protect and promote children's health and safety.
Added: Sep 2016
Children with Disabilities: Videos from the Raising Children Network of Australia
October 2019This set of videos from Australia includes experts and parents discussing specific disabilities, common experiences of families with children with disabilities and tips for managing daily life. Some are specific to the system of support in Australia, but most provide messages that would be helpful for families from any country.
Added: Dec 2019
Children, Free Play, & 60 Homemade Musical Instruments (Video)Length: 7:51 minsThis video shows a class of 4-5-year-olds exploring 60 homemade musical instruments through free hands-on play. It’s loud, it’s amazing education and it’s fun!
Added: Sep 2018
Dear Teacher (Video)With a new school year starting, over 60 Brain Highways kids collaborated to write a "Dear Teacher" letter—which they then turned into a short (under two minutes) "Dear Teacher" video. School does greatly influence how kids are viewed by others and how they view themselves. So, while it may take years to change laws or how health care addresses mental health issues, these kids hope their message will be shared with as many educators as possible—knowing that teachers can truly make a huge difference, starting TODAY
Added: Sep 2016
Disability – How You See Me
Length: 3 mins"Society doesn't correlate disability with being attractive... but we CAN be stylish, gorgeous, stunning, and FABULOUS." For those with disability, what do you feel makes you a FABULOUS person? How do you think people see you as someone with a disability?
Added: Jun 2023
Disability and Sexuality (Video)
Published: Mar 2019 | Length: 2:53 mins
All people are sexual beings, no matter what their bodies can or cannot do physically or what type of support they may need from time to time or all of the time. It’s important for young people living with disabilities or differently abled young people to learn about sexuality.
Added: Jul 2019
DRaccess: Supporting Children by Improving Family Outcomes (Video)Added: Oct 2017
Expect More ArizonaExpect More Arizona is a public-private partnership dedicated to making education the top priority in the state of Arizona. Expect more Arizona unites individuals and organizations that believe expectations must be much higher and sharing our commitment in making Arizona's commitment, birth through career, the best in the nation. The path to higher expectations and educational excellence requires great teachers, motivated students, engaged parents, committed leaders and supportive communities – all working together to increase student academic achievement and ultimately their readiness to succeed in college and career.
Added: Mar 2015 | Updated: Feb 2019
First 5 California Early Intervention Efforts, April 21, 2014 (Video)Published: April 21, 2014 | Length: 4:03 minutesLast year, First 5 county commissions invested over $43 million in screenings and interventions for developmental delays using tools recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Over 115,000 young children received comprehensive screenings and/or assessments, with 21,000 receiving follow-up services for identified special needs. One mother tells the story of how important it was for her have the results of the ASQ to get services for her child.
Added: Sep 2016 | Updated: Feb 2019
Home Visiting: A Closer LookPEW Charitable Trust, funds home visiting programs. This video comes from the perspective a parent who benefitted from a home visiting program. It demonstrates the value of home visiting and celebrates positive outcomes.
Added: Sep 2016
How Helen Keller Learned to Talk (Video)
Published: December 16, 2014 | Length: 3:13 minutesHelen Keller and Her teacher Anne Macy Sullivan explain how Helen learned to speak. Year:1928. TRANSCRIPT: Anne Sullivan speaking: "When I first saw Helen Keller, She was six years and eight months old. She had been blind and deaf and mute since her eighteenth month as a result of an illness. She had no way of communicating with those around her except for a few imitative signs that she had made for herself.
A complete transcript is available with the video.
Added: Dec 2019
IRIS Center Film Search ToolThis resource DOES NOT contain any media, but does list Motion Picture Portrayals of People with DisabilitiesThe ways in which individuals and groups are portrayed in popular media can have a profound effect on how they are viewed by society at large. This tool represents an attempt to catalogue the representation of people with disabilities in motion pictures and literature. Many of those representations are inaccurate, and some are offensive. Their inclusion in this tool is intended to stimulate discussion and should by no means be considered an endorsement of their accuracy or appropriateness.
Films in the search tool can be identified by topic area or by title, release date, or keyword.
Added: Sep 2016 | Updated: Feb 2019
Kids in the HouseThe Ultimate Parenting Resource offers over 8000 videos on a comprehensive range of topics for a variety of age ranges for every type of family. Well respected experts present positive, useful information in short videos. For example take a look at the videos from:
- Dr. Dan Siegel , award winning author and lecturer. Dr. Siegel's unique ability to make complicated scientific concepts easy to understand and exciting has led him to be invited to address diverse local, national and international groups of mental health professionals, neuroscientists, corporate leaders, educators, parents, public administrators, healthcare providers, policy-makers, and clergy. Or explore the various topics under:
- Special Needs
- Top Tips for How to Raise a Happy Child
Added: Apr 2015
La Sopa de la Abuela: Special Education Telenovela
Series of Family Engagement Videos in Spanish!
This series was designed to support the engagement of families in the special education process, share information, encourage advocacy skills, and foster collaborative home-school partnerships which positively impact student success. Created by a design team that included family and staff members, we hope you’ll join us for the journey of one family as they navigate their emotions, learn about special education, and make decisions.
Added: Jun 2023 | Updated: Nov 2023
Milestones in Action from the Center for Disease Control and PreventionA Free library of photos and videos of developmental milestones.
Added: Jan 2017
Mom’s Emotional Video About IEP Frustration Goes Viral (Video)Published: April 20, 2018 | 29:46 minsComedian Dena Blizzard tries to approach her daughter’s learning and attention issues with a sense of humor. She’s talked about her experiences on Understood and in her comedy work. But after a difficult IEP meeting on Monday, she let her emotions pour out in a Facebook Live video.
Added: Jun 2018
My Own Book Shelf (Video)Length: 8:36 minutesThis video was presented at the 2009 CEC Convention. My Own Bookshelf
SoftTouch is a project designed to bring literacy into the lives of children with disabilities. The video shows volunteers scanning books, the children adding their voices to the stories, and the children with disabilities enjoying the stories by themselves and with other children using switches and sharing their books with others through the same access technology.This video illustrates the possibilities of using technology to integrate learning with all populations, and to create something entirely unique with relative ease.
Added: Apr 2015 | Updated: Feb 2019
National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD): VideosClips demonstrate various ways that people with disabilities engage in physical activity.
Added: Sep 2016
National Resource Center For Health and Safety in Child Care and Early EducationVideos in English and Spanish available.
- The Motion Moments videos will show you a few simple ways to weave physical activity into your current early care and education program in either a child care center or family child care home working with infants, toddlers or preschoolers. Videos also available in Spanish.
Added: Sep 2016 Educational Videos
All of the educational materials are shared freely on this website. The navigation is designed so that information can be found by searching for a specific age, topic, or type of material. Educational videos about child development with titles also available in Chinese and Spanish.
Added: Sep 2016
Signed StoriesSigned Stories has lots of great books to see in sign language and subtitles. Hearing family and friends can listen to the stories too. You can all watch together! Signed Stories has a very simple goal – to help improve the literacy of deaf children nationwide by allowing them to share in the joy of storytelling. It’s also designed to provide useful advice and guidance for the parents, cargivers and teachers of deaf children; and for the deaf parents of hearing children. Everyone – deaf or hearing – can use Signed Stories. Please keep coming back to see new books as they arrive, and please tell your friends and work colleagues about this free website.
Added: Apr 2015 | Updated: Feb 2019
Storyline Onlinetories read by members of the Screen Actors Guild
Added: Sep 2016
The Daily Mile: A Simple Way to Get School Children Fit (Video)May 2, 2018 | 2:47 minsAn idea to help fight childhood obesity, that started in Scotland, has now spread to 32 countries and over 3,000 schools around the world. It's called 'the daily mile' and encourages children to run a mile a day, during school time. Film by Amelia Martyn-Hemphill
Added: Jul 2018
The Do’s and Don’ts of Disability (Video)
UK Fixers | January 2016 | Length: 3:24 minutesIn this film, Michelle Middleton takes a humorous look at people's reactions to her cerebral palsy. The 26-year-old has created the piece, with the help of Fixers, to encourage others not to treat her, or anyone else with a disability, differently.
Added: Jun 2023
Transforming the Early Education Workforce VideosThis collection of videos includes five videos produced by New America as well as videos from outside organizations, such as the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University; Teachstone; Tap, Click, Read; Interactive STEM at EDC; and the University of Northern Iowa's Regents' Center for Early Developmental Education. The videos can be watched on their own, but they are also embedded throughout
this guidebook to be viewed in the context of particular chapters and serve as prompts for deeper discussion among educators, higher education institutions, and policymakers on what it will take to transform the workforce.
Added: Mar 2018
What About Play? The Value of Investing in Children’s Play (Video)This 10-minute video explores the value of play, playful inquiry and the role of adults in supporting, advocating for and investing in children’s play.
Added: Sep 2018