California MAP
California MAP
Working Together

National Professional Development Center on Inclusion (NPDCI)


The National Professional Development Center on Inclusion (NPDCI) is working with states to ensure that early childhood teachers are prepared to educate and care for young children with disabilities in settings with their typically developing peers.

  • Additional Resources from NPDCI

    • Early Childhood Inclusion
      Two major early childhood organizations, DEC and NAEYC, created a joint definition and position statement on early childhood inclusion through a process facilitated by the National Professional Development Center on Inclusion (NPDCI). Return here often to discover new resources and examples for using these resources to improve early childhood services.
    • Foundations of Transition Video
      Today, most families of young children use and move between different types of early childhood services — like Head Start, private child care, public preschool, or kindergarten. Moving between and among these various programs is often referred to as ’transition’.” This 8-minute video provides an overview of the desirable outcomes of transition, research identifying effective transition practices, as well as the legal requirements of early childhood transition (running time: 8 min. 19 sec.)
    • Speaking of Inclusion (Blog)
      Inclusion insights, stories and resources for professional development providers as well as practitioners, policy makers and parents. An informative blog brought to you by the National Professional Development Center on Inclusion. Your comments are invited.
    • Response to Intervention in Early Childhood (RTI-EC)
      The NPCDI facilitated a process with The Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children (DEC), the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), and the National Head Start Association (NHSA) to create a reliable source of information on the emerging practice of Response to Intervention in Early Childhood.
    • Quality Inclusive Practices: Resources and Landing Pads
      Provides brief descriptions and supporting references for evidence-based and promising practices that support early childhood inclusion.
    • Building Inclusive Child Care
      Universal Design for Learning rom North Hampton Community College