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The Pandemic May Have Lowered Baby IQ Study Says


A new study by researchers at five universities found that babies born during the pandemic may have lower IQ scores than those born before it. Babies who came into the world before the coronavirus had a cognitive score hovering around 100, according to this study. But the test scores of babies born during the pandemic fell sharply, to around 78. That’s 22 points lower than what’s considered normal.

The trouble is that babies may not be getting enough of the crucial “serve and return” interactions that help shape brain architecture, experts say. When an infant babbles, gestures or cries, and an attentive adult responds with words, or touch, neural connections are built and reinforced in the child’s brain. This back-and-forth exchange helps build foundational neural connections that drive child development.

“We can’t be cavalier about this,” Deoni said. “What this means is that we really have to redouble our efforts at ensuring kiddos are able to get out and play as well as spend time with their parents.”

Briggs, for one, believes one of the best ways to help children may be to help their parents. She hopes to raise awareness that stress management is more a necessity than a luxury as the public health crisis drags on.