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California MAP
Working Together

SCARED Acronym: Autism Acceptance in Healthcare – How to help during a meltdown

It is not unusual for children with autism to become fearful and “meltdown” in the Emergency Department (ED) or in other places where they may be overstimulated and stressed. Here is one infographic that uses the acronym SCARED to help inform providers to remember some ways to support children with autism in everyday and disaster emergencies from pediatric ED (Emergency Department) colleagues Don’t Forget The Bubbles (DFTB) from the United Kingdom. 

SCARED Acronym:

  • Safe: Gently lead to a place of safety or lead other people away…
  • Calm: Short calming sentences… 
  • Affirmations: Use kind and positive words…
  • Routine: Facilitate stimming and access to routine activities to calm
  • Empathy: Be patient and respect the need for space
  • Develop a Plan: When it is over develop a plan for the next time

Visit the @DFTB Team’s Twitter feed for a large version of the SCARED Acronym Infographic