California MAP
California MAP
Working Together

Supporting Inclusive Practices (SIP) Project


We are funded by the California Department of Education, Special Education Division, through Riverside County Office of Education and El Dorado County and Charter SELPA. We also partner with various university and technology partners to provide the best in research and technological support to our grantees. SIP’s purpose is to provide support and technical assistance to local education agencies (LEAs) to increase the amount of time that students with disabilities are included in general education settings, especially in preschool. For 2018-19, SIP has 8 grantees who are designated as ‘Exemplar’ and 28 grantees who are committed to moving towards a model of inclusion. The Exemplar grantees are assigned a group of up to 3 other grantees to mentor and guide on the path to inclusion. For a complete description of the SIP see the Edge Newsletter Spring 2018 (PDF).