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Working Together

Understanding Stress and Resilience in Young Children (Video Series)


You may have heard of ACES, Adverse Childhood Experiences, from the famous TED talk by Nadine Burke Harris, former Surgeon General of California. This video series summarizes what we know about ACES and applies it to support for families in Head Start programs. These powerful videos hold the stories of people who have experienced ACES and professionals who have identified and supported children and families exposed to ACES. The video series is a must see for those who work with vulnerable populations.

Operation Breaking Through houses the largest Head Start program in Missouri. It models a multi-disciplinary approach and includes a partnership with a local children’s hospital. It was designed to raise awareness and educate. It provides the perspectives of parents, Head Start staff, health care professionals, and others on the issues of adverse childhood events (ACEs), toxic stress, and resilience.

Watch the videos in this series to learn how high levels of stress can impact a child’s lifelong health and well-being. Find out how Head Start programs and health care professionals can support children and families to help prevent early childhood stress.

Use these videos to generate interest and support for activities in Head Start and Early Head Start programs and in partner organizations that help identify and care for families affected by ACEs and toxic stress. The User Guide includes a breakdown of the video segments by topic area.

Explore related resources on ECLKC to learn more.