California MAP
California MAP
Working Together

MAP Training PowerPoints™

California MAP to Inclusion & Belonging… Making Access Possible has developed training resources to use for ideas on talking with family members when concerned about a child as well as to better understand the California Early Start system. These resources are intended for early childhood faculty, infant/toddler child care staff, early educators, and after-school providers. It is hoped that these resources will support California MAP’s purpose of promoting collaboration among early childhood educators and early interventionists/special educators, while also expanding opportunities for inclusion and access to services for children with special needs and their families.

Each training resource consists of a PowerPoint™ slide show, the same PowerPoint™ slides with notes for the trainer in Portable Document Format (PDF), and handouts for participants, also in PDF. Other materials may also be included, such as an article or a link to pertinent materials. The second PowerPoint™ slide lists the conditions for use of these training materials which are shown below:

  • This PowerPoint™ and accompanying notes were developed by the California MAP to Inclusion & Belonging for use in training and educational settings
  • The content was reviewed and approved by the California Department of Education, Early Education & Support Division, as well as the Special Education Division and the Department of Developmental Services, when appropriate
  • The information regarding the laws and regulations, as well as the website links, were accurate at the time of distribution
  • Modification of the content is not permitted
  • Local information may be used as a supplement, but shall not be represented as part of the document
  • Users are free to duplicate this material in its entirety, with appropriate credit, for educational purposes only

California MAP to Inclusion & Belonging is pleased to make the following training resources available to the field:

Inclusion Works!

Talking with Parents

Talking with Parents When You Have Concerns About a Child in Your Care
This PowerPoint™ and accompanying article is designed to provide a framework for caregivers (anyone providing child care or out-of-school care for children) when they have concerns that a child in their care might have a developmental delay, disability, or significant behavior problem; when preparing to share concerns with a child’s parents or family members (anyone raising the child); or in understanding different ways family members will receive and act on an expressed concern.
Available translations:

California Early Start

Overview of California Early Start
Updated July 2015 to reflect changes in state law as of January 2015This PowerPoint™ is designed to assist early educators in understanding the Early Start early intervention system when a child in their care, birth to age three years of age, has an identified disability or when they have concerns that a child in their care, birth to age three years of age, might have a disability, developmental delay or be at risk for a developmental disability. There are two parts of this resource: the Brief Overview and Journeys Through Early Start that includes stories of three children to illustrate the various ways that children can enter and receive services.

Transition in Early Childhood

Transition in Early Childhood at Age Three for Children with Special Needs
This PowerPoint™ is designed to assist early educators in understanding transition out of the Early Start early intervention system when a child reaches three years of age.