The book is described and explored as part of the Inclusion Works! Training PowerPoint™.
MAP Training PowerPoints™
California MAP to Inclusion & Belonging… Making Access Possible has developed training resources to use for ideas on talking with family members when concerned about a child as well as to better understand the California Early Start system. These resources are intended for early childhood faculty, infant/toddler child care staff, early educators, and after-school providers. It is hoped that these resources will support California MAP’s purpose of promoting collaboration among early childhood educators and early interventionists/special educators, while also expanding opportunities for inclusion and access to services for children with special needs and their families.
Each training resource consists of a PowerPoint™ slide show, the same PowerPoint™ slides with notes for the trainer in Portable Document Format (PDF), and handouts for participants, also in PDF. Other materials may also be included, such as an article or a link to pertinent materials. The second PowerPoint™ slide lists the conditions for use of these training materials which are shown below:
- This PowerPoint™ and accompanying notes were developed by the California MAP to Inclusion & Belonging for use in training and educational settings
- The content was reviewed and approved by the California Department of Education, Early Education & Support Division, as well as the Special Education Division and the Department of Developmental Services, when appropriate
- The information regarding the laws and regulations, as well as the website links, were accurate at the time of distribution
- Modification of the content is not permitted
- Local information may be used as a supplement, but shall not be represented as part of the document
- Users are free to duplicate this material in its entirety, with appropriate credit, for educational purposes only
California MAP to Inclusion & Belonging is pleased to make the following training resources available to the field: