California MAP
California MAP
Working Together

MAP Newsletters

MAP Newsletters contain the very latest information, articles and web links added to the MAP website. They direct you to newly identified resources and topic areas. All of the newsletters provide useful tools, publications, training materials and other resources to support children with disabilities and special needs.

Please Note: The CA MAP website undergoes regular updates which may have changed some links listed in the newsletters posted below. If this occurs, please use the Search feature or contact for further support.




Family Engagement

In this issue: This MAP Newsletter is focused on resources that may help you become more aware of what’s needed to work effectively with families, and the particular needs of families of children with disabilities.

Saying Yes to Inclusion in California

In this issue: Important resources from the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA), professional development opportunities on inclusion from Beginning Together and California Department of Education resources on the latest early childhood inclusive education.

Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (IECHM)

In this issue: The 2023 Summer newsletter is devoted to infant and early childhood mental health and dedicated to, Chris Muecke, a champion for infant and early childhood mental health.

2023 MAP Resources for Inclusion Facilitators!

In this issue: To celebrate the 2023 Beginning Together Inclusion Facilitator’s Institute theme of “Change the World,” this issue of the MAP Newsletter is dedicated to Judy Heumann. Judy Heumann was one of the most influential disability rights activists in US history. Her entire life was dedicated to changing the world for people with disabilities.

Opportunities to Expand Inclusion in California: IEEEP and Universal Prekindergarten

In this issue: the CA MAP team has gathered information and resources to help child care and early education providers gain access to information and resources related to these important programs starting with two opportunities for professional development:

  • The 2023 Beginning Together Inclusion Facilitators Institute
  • Universal PreKindergarten





Summer 2018: Preventing Suspension and Expulsion
Do you have questions or concerns about a child in your care? The CA CSEFEL Leadership Team (California Collaborative on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning) has gathered tools and resources to support you! Your role in supporting the child behind the behavior is vital to the long-term outcomes and well-being of that child. MAP’s Summer News Brief introduces the new website and the nine sets of actionable resources that it holds.



Archived Newsletters

Fall 2014: Oh the Power of a Visual Schedule! (PDF)
Power of the Visual Schedule, Supporting Brain Development, Executive Function Activities, Needs of Teachers and lists of new resources on the MAP to Inclusion and Belonging website.
Spring 2014: Early Identification (PDF)
Newly added Early Identification page on MAP, info on the upcoming Inclusion Collaborative State Conference and recent updates across the site.
Winter 2014: First Annual Inclusion Collaborative State Conference (PDF)
The MAP to Inclusion and Belonging Project Team is proud to be a partner in supporting and promoting the First Annual Inclusion Collaborative Early Learning Conference sponsored by the Santa Clara County Office of Education Inclusion Collaborative in San Jose, CA on October 23 & 24, 2014.
Fall 2013: Reminder! DEC Conference (PDF)
This years theme is “Bridging Research, Policy and Practice…Every Day, Every Chance, Every Child”. Conference information and registration links included.
Summer 2013: DEC Conference (PDF)
This years theme is “Bridging Research, Policy and Practice…Every Day, Every Chance, Every Child”. Conference information and registration links included.
Spring 2012: Family Engagement (PDF)
Family Engagement, Mental Health Awareness and New postings & videos from the California Department of Education