California MAP
California MAP
Working Together

Technical Assistance Resources for Part C Eligibility

Technical Assistance Resources for Part C Eligibility

Working Together to Support All Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities Webinar Series

This webinar series highlights how federal agencies, State agencies, local programs, and families can work together to support infants and toddlers with disabilities’ growth and development. Presenters will share new materials that highlight a vision for serving all infants and toddlers with delays and disabilities and provide strategies and resources on implementing an equitable and comprehensive system that identifies, locates, and evaluates infants and toddlers with delays and disabilities. 

Building Blocks for Including and Teaching Young Children with Disabilities (Video)

This edWebinar provides information about the development, use and latest revision to Building Blocks for Teaching Preschoolers with Special Needs, a multi-tiered framework for planning and providing individualized support and instruction for young children with disabilities or other special needs. Learn about the four levels of support as well as practical, research-based practices for use in inclusive classrooms and other early learning environments. Become familiar with our various forms and resources for planning, teaching, and monitoring children’s progress. This presentation is of interest to preK teachers and school and district leaders, and early childhood faculty, early childhood special education faculty, and curriculum and instruction department chairs.

2024 International Early Childhood Inclusion Institute

The theme for the  institute is All Means All: Embracing Disability and Intersectionality. Attend in person in Chapel Hill, NC, USA, or virtually from anywhere in the world. Learn more about registration rates, logistics, and start planning now

  • Location: Chapel Hill, NC or Virtual
  • Dates: May 7-9, 2024

SIP Supporting Inclusive Practices 3rd Annual Inclusion Conference

  • Location: Virtual
  • Dates: May 9-10, 2024

Highly Individualized Practice Webinar Series

Find effective strategies that teachers, home visitors, and coaches can use in their efforts to support children with disabilities or suspected delays. The webinars in this series include:

  • Preventing Suspension and Expulsion of Children with Disabilities or Suspected Delays
  • Supporting Interactions for Children with Disabilities or Suspected Delays
  • Environments That Support High Quality Inclusion
  • IDEA 101: Partnering with Service Providers to Support Effective Inclusion

Teacher Time Series: 10 Tips for Creating Supportive Environments That Can Prevent Behaviors That Challenge Us

You can prevent challenging behaviors in preschool-aged children by being intentional about and proactive in creating a supportive, inclusive environment. This special Teacher Time episode focuses on useful tips for setting up the physical environment, establishing routines, making expectations clear, and more. Taking these kinds of steps can support  children as they engage with their learning environment and transition from one task to the next.

Program for Infant-Toddler Care (PITC) Past Webinar Events

Among the many high quality webinars that are available at this site, you can find the 2021 Webinar Series: Exploring Updates to Inclusion Works!, Second Edition: Universal Design for Learning and Practices to Support Best Practices for Inclusive Programs. Both are presented by Linda Brault.

Supporting Inclusive Practices (SIP) Archived Virtual Events

SIP provides a wealth of recorded trainings, podcasts, webinars, and other resources including content on Universal Design for Learning, equity in special education, designing inclusive preschools, a paraeducator series, and more. 

Family Child Care At It’s Best (FCCB)

Family child care and family, friend, and neighbor providers are a critical source of support for working families. The Family Child Care at Its Best program delivers high-quality, research-based workshops that help home-based caregivers improve their knowledge, skills, and quality of care for working with mixed-age groups of children. FCCB is now offering two types of training:

  • Facilitator Training NEW! Trainers, coaches, and community leaders who provide support to family child care or family, friend, and neighbor providers can learn how to facilitate FCCB workshops and gain access to all necessary curriculum to offer FCCB workshops.
  • Direct Service Workshops are offered at no cost to the host agency. Simply complete the request form to choose from the available topics, languages, and date(s) you are looking for. You conduct outreach and registration, and FCCB does the rest! We will provide you with a flyer template, all needed materials, and an instructor to lead your selected workshop. Availability is based on current funding.

ECTA (Early Childhood Technical Assistance) Center: Upcoming Webinars

ECTA Center hosts regular webinars with a variety of partners.